Allen Parish Mosquito Control met with the Allen Parish Police Jury on Wednesday and discussed the surge in mosquitoes since Hurricane Laura. Keith Strother and his son Trevor Strother tried to explain…
FEMA offers assistance
Allen Parish has been declared a major disaster as well as Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron and Jefferson Davis and qualify for category A assistance. The government is going to be adding parishes as…
AP schools remain close
Superintendent Kent Reed said several buildings’ roofs in the parish’s school system will need to be repaired and schools will be closed for the foreseeable future. “Basically we have leaks across the…
Electricity returns to some; others wait
Residents with BECi (Beauregard Electric) will be waiting a few weeks for electricity as lines are repaired. Those residents with Cleco or JDEC (Jeff Davis Electric Cooperative) are not having to wait…
Kinder officer remembered
Kinder Police Officer Jackie Lynn Holland, 55, (September 4, 1964 – August 29, 2020) died Saturday, August 29, after collapsing. Holland had a total of 24 years in local law enforcement. He…
Mayors working on issues
The aftermath of Hurricane Laura’s destruction in Allen Parish has kept its leaders busy organizing assistance and cleaning up the debris. And as some pointed out, employees still have to complete daily…
Flashback in time
This was the old engine at the Kinder Pump, which was overseen by the Kinder Canal Company Inc. (Photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Karam)
Unopposed for DA seat – Green to take office January 11
January 2021 will have a new district attorney serving Allen Parish. After over 20 years of service DA Todd Nesom has decided to retire. The new district attorney will be Joe Green…
Oberlin Council meeting postponed
The Oberlin Council did not meet on Monday, August 10, as scheduled due to COVID 19. Several members of the town’s staff had been diagnosed with the virus. The meeting rescheduled for…