The Kinder Rotary held its installation banquet recently to install its new president for the 2021 year, Emerald Skye Byrd. In the top left photo, is a photo of the cake celebrating Byrd’s installation as president. In the top right photo, Byrd, center, is shown with her mentor, Brian Williams, left, and Sarah Rand, right, outgoing 2020 Rotary president. In the second row, Byrd presented former DA Doug Hebert Jr. with his gift, left photo. Hebert performed Byrd’s swearing ceremony. On the right, Kevin Tyler won a prize, Titleist golf balls and CCR ballcap. Top photo, below, Outgoing 2020 Rotary President Rand shows off her nice plaque. In the second photo is DA Joe Greene with his wife, Reba. The third photo is Stephen Thames, CFO at Allen Parish Community Hospital of Kinder. Dr. Mike Karam, known as Doc, served as program chairman for the evening. Finally Byrd and Lawrence Moncla, owner of Ardoin/Allen Parish Funeral Homes. The event was held at the Veranda, which is located at the Koasati Golf Course. Other guests included members of the Coushatta Tribal Council, Kristian Poncho and Crystal Williams and members of the Allen Parish Library.