The Allen Parish School Board heard a list of important dates designating the start of the new school, exactly one month from the night of the meeting on Monday, July 12.
Superintendent Kent Reed noted in one month the 2021-2022 school year would begin with students reporting to school on Thursday, August 12, in Allen Parish. He noted other important dates would begin with Back to School administration meetings on Tuesday, August 3, and Wednesday, August 4. Then new teachers would receive in-service instruction on Thursday, August 5, before all teachers reported to school for professional development days in the parish from Monday, August 9, to Wednesday, August 11.
Reed also announced new administrative assignments introducing Pam Pruden as the new principal at Oberlin High. Billie Bruchhaus will join Oberlin Elementary as the new principal. Lori Miller was named assistant principal at Oakdale High.
An update on ESSER funds was given to the board as Kent explained these funds allowed the district to purchase chrome books for all students last year. He said Misty Alexander (supervisor for Title I, Title V, Title IX – McKinney-Vento Homeless Children and Youth, Director / Homeless Liaison) and Jaimie Fontenot (Title I Coordinator) were working on how those funds would be utilized this year.
Alexander explained Title V funds were not available yet in this funding source. She said $70,000 was earmarked for professional development. Over the three-year course of allotment to the parish, it would receive about $7 million. She said the goal is to support students based on their individual needs and to implement things that can be sustained over the years.
Under the CLSD program focusing on literacy, Alexander said Kinder Middle would receive $81,000, Oakdale Middle, $141,000 and an additional $150,000 for child care and head start. She said the grant is to be used in the area of birth to five years of age.
A three-year-old class will be opened at Oberlin Elementary, and licensed mental health providers will be employed across the parish. Alexander said mental health providers will be able to screen those in need of these services and decide what type of setting will work with applicants, whether its one-to-one, small groups or an entire class.
Another $300,000 would be allocated for Title One.
Funds through ESSER II and III levels are being used to renovate the Oberlin cafeteria and the recent summer learning program which employed teachers, paraprofessionals and student workers. It also helped students achieve credits for EMR (Emergency Medical Responder) licensing as well as certifications for students working in plants and IT interns.
Brad Soileau (Instructional Supervisor Secondary and Assessment, Title III) reported he and Kim Rider (CTE and Technology Coordinator, Carl Perkins) have been visiting the high schools to meet with high school principals to discuss Jump Start 2.0. He said by the end of the sophomore year, students are being asked to choose a vocational or college route. He said students worked a few weeks this summer to secure certifications in EMR, safety and IT areas. He said it was like a basic summer job where some made up to $2,000. He also reported the re-credit recovery program allowing students to earn a Carneige unit for high school graduation had 52 students and 29 finished the requirements to earn a credit.
Reed also reported on the goals the district will be aiming to achieve. In the area of literacy, the focus will be for all third graders in the parish to be reading at the third grade level. And by 2025 students testing will have to reach a mastery or advance proficient level to pass instead of only the basic level. He added the district was seeking all students to attend Pre-K in order to be kindergarten ready.
Reed reviewed the “Ready to Achieve: 2021-22 Operational Guidelines” and reminded everyone that they could change, even before the start of school (!-2021-2022-school-operational-guidelines). He said if they changed, he would update the board and parents. Those guidelines included:
•Anyone sick in school should stay home regardless of their illness.
•Close contacts will be described as someone who is within six feet of an infected person for more than 15 minutes.
•Quarantine situations will depend on whether that person is vaccinated or non-vaccinated.
•Static groups will be utilized for students in second grade and below. He said some schools will choose to maintain static groups above the second grade level.
•Social distancing will be observed. Students will be asked to maintain at least three feet from other students and six feet from adults in the classroom.
•Sanitation will take place at least twice a day throughout the school including restrooms.
•All passengers on school buses must wear a facial covering while using transportation regardless of capacity.
•Water re-fill stations will be utilized throughout the school for students to refill their cups. Old water fountains will be covered.
•There will be limited visitors to the campuses, and they must follow Covid-19 guidelines when on campus.
In other business, the board:
•Recognized the Reeves High School Girls’ Track Team 2021 Class C State Champions.
•Approved minutes of the June 14, meeting, payment of bills and authorized the president to sign the Board Certification Form for the Unified Application for Federal Funds for the new fiscal year.
•Authorized the superintendent to advertise for the positions of lunchroom technician at Reeves, two bus drivers for Oakdale, custodian for Kinder Middle, parishwide maintenance worker and assistant principal at Fairview.
•Accepted the bid of $5 per column inch from The Oakdale Journal, official journal for the board.
•Entered executive session to discuss the superintendent’s evaluation.