On Friday, January 22, the Coushatta Casino Resort, owned and operated by the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana, celebrated its 26th anniversary. The celebration was broadcast virtually and featured messages from the tribe’s youth and leaders, as well as entertainment.
Coushatta Jr. Princess Brianna Rose Langley shared a historical look at her tribe’s history pointing out the garfish, which is on the logo, was used by her ancestors, because they were plentiful in the area. She said every part of the fish was used in the tribe’s life – for food and to make leather strips. She also explained the colorful zigzag or diamond symbols used by the tribe represented the garfish and how dance was important to the tribe’s history.
Chairman David Sickey thanked associates, patrons, etc. for 26 years of success. He mentioned how hard 2020 was for the casino stating, “In a year that has tested and challenged, erased and reset our most basic needs to our most pressing freedoms….We are still here.” He recalled the tribe’s history, and how the casino came to be through members like his father who had freedom, justice and liberty on their side when the tribe became recognized by the government. He said today’s leaders’ responsibility consists of keeping the tribe’s economy growing which was possible with the achievements of associates, etc. He said 2020 brought 78 days of closure for the casino which involved the virus and two hurricanes. With the employment of over 1,300 associates across 18 parishes, it was important the tribe kept moving forward and working to reopen and maintain the casino resort.
Councilwoman Crystal Williams discussed how over the years, the tribe has been able to improve health and education as they developed jobs. She thanked each associated, family and guests for their contributions to the success of the Coushatta Casino Resort.
Councilman Jonathan Cernek also said a few words of how a year made a difference. He said he could not describe how proud he was of the resilience of everyone who came together to work together. He also said thank you in “a spirit of gratitude that we are here today and look forward to a better year.”
Other members of the council present included Kevin Sickey, vice-chairman, and Councilwoman Loretta Williams.
Leland Thompson played a cedar flute and provided music on the drums for the dancers. Versions of the pow wow dancing and jingle dress dancing were displayed for guests. The Hoop Dance was performed by Gabriella Robinson-Savant using 12 hoops.
Bryan Williams, director of public relations and special events, served as master of ceremonies. General Manager Scott Sirois’s message said the casino would continue to do what “they do extremely well while adapting to the changes” the previous year has brought forth.
A huge cake was cut for the 26th anniversary by Jr. Princess Langley.