Over recent months the council has discussed ways to beautify its community. At Monday’s meeting two ordinances were approved that will assist leaders in removing items that are not appealing to the eye.
Councilman Mick Estay motioned to amend Ordinance 1-2018 which regulates the use of mobile homes and recreations vehicles as dwellings in the village. He asked to eliminate the process involving mobile homes that are over 10 years in age. The application process allowed residents to move older mobile homes into the village if they applied and submitted pictures of the home for approval by the council. This process will no longer exist and mobile homes over 10 years old will not be allowed in the village. Councilman Glenn Durchame opposed changing the ordinance but Estay and Randall Credeur agreed to amend the ordinance.
The second ordinance was introduced by Credeur and gave the village authorization to regulate abandoned and/or junked property. There has been discussions invoving old junk cars in the community. All of the councilmen agreed to approve this ordinance.
A public meeting was held to discuss financials, but there were no comments. All financial reports were approved by the council.