Superintendent Kent Reed gave an update on construction at the Kinder school sites at Monday’s meeting. He said the classrooms at Kinder Elementary are taking shape as cinder block walls are constructed along with doors and windows. Soon, the construction of the roof will take shape. He said the fifth grade hallway demolition has taken place and new exterior walls were completed. He expected to see ceilings, light fixtures and sheet rock walls.
The staff has kept a close eye on the demo, expansion and rebuild of the cafeteria at Kinder Elementary since it’s a difficult part of the project and needs to be completed as soon as possible.
At Kinder High, he said the demo and rebuild of classrooms are underway as exterior walls were brought down and reconstructed. Soon, interior walls, ceilings and installation of lights will occur at the job site. The cafeteria’s dry storage, cooler and freezer installation will be underway soon. The gym construction is moving along with the cinder block walls being installed. He said much of the roof foundation is already in place.
Reed noted all floor asbestos abatement had been completed.
As summer begins, Reed told the board the instructional staff is working on plans for the 2020-21 year. He hopes to outline that plan at the next board meeting and how the district has utilized its COVID-19 resources received. The plans also will allow the district to shift from different phases if needed during the school year. There will be a time for parents, guardians and stakeholders to input options for student education.
Two newest members of the administrative staff were introduced including Marcia Miller, principal of Kinder Middle, and Melanie Fontenot, assistant principal at Kinder Elementary.
Reed reviewed graduation ceremonies across the parish.
Kenney Courville updated the board on the steps and procedures being taken at the schools to meet the governor’s Phase II requirements in regards to extra-curricular activities. Athletic workouts were scheduled to begin Monday, June 8.
The board also:
•Recognized the retirement of Shirley Stanton by Scott Lejeune.
•Received an ACT update from Clarice Papillion.
•Learned how educators from Allen Parish are doing in the Oxford University program to become certified classroom teachers.
•Adopted professional staff and support staff salary schedules, effective July 1.
•Adopted a resolution authorizing Reed to execute a contract with Rapides Foundation to participate in the Health Behaviors Incentive Grant for the 2020-21 school year.
•Authorized advertisement to see a bookkeeper at Kinder Middle and Reeves High, clerical aide at Elizabeth High and Fairview High and a bus driver for the Kinder schools.