When the stay-at-home order was issued in March, area utilities agreed to assist the public during the strenuous times by not cutting off utilities or charging late fees. As the government prepares to open, these utility companies will be looking for payment from area residents.
Please be sure to update your utility payments. If you are unable to pay the entire bill, please contact your provider and discuss options available to you.
As the government reopens, companies, especially utilities, will begin making decisions to cut services off or demand payment. Some residents have been out of work for several weeks. This is the time to check in with utility companies to make sure everyone is on the same communication line.
Oberlin leaders recently noted their utility payments were down, and they would be looking at ways to bring funds into their budget. Some of those suggestions may include cutting services off to those who have not paid their bills. Please be sure you have spoken to leaders if you still owe for services, so your services will not be disconnected.