The Kinder Chamber of Commerce is conducting a survey of its membership in the coming week, according to Barbara Savant, executive director.
Savant hopes everyone will participate. She said sometimes Jerrie LeDoux, community liaison of the Southern District for U.S. Congressman Mike Johnson; State Senator Heather Cloud, District 28; or State Representative R. Dewith Carrier, District 32; seeks information about businesses and practices during this COVID-19. She explained sometimes they need information for projects, funding, etc. She decided to gather the information in advance so the Chamber can release the data quicker.
“No names will be used from this survey; only answers will be given for information purposes,” Savant said.
Savant said the questions will include:
1. How has your business been affected? (open/closed, paying employees not working, etc.)
2. Did you or did you not receive assistance from Federal Government?
3. Will you reopen?
4. Will you take precautions? (mask, temperature check, social distancing)
5. Did you close completely or remain open for to-go or curb side service?
6. Do you have any questions or venting to place on survey so it can be added if report is needed for our community?
Savant said, “If you need to contact the chamber, e-mail us at or call us at 337-998-1168. Thank you for your time.”
Another important thing is to fill out the census papers sent to your home. “I would also like to remind you to fill out your census. It can be done online. It is simple and short. This information is used for 10 years to determine funding, roads, new businesses, health, educational services and so much more,” she said.
Kinder Mayor Wayland LaFargue said Kinder will follow the governor’s proclamation to remain close until May 15. He said he appreciates all of the town’s business owners for what they have done for the town. He knows everyone is suffering, and he hopes once the economy opens things will improve. He said even the town is feeling the effects of being closed, because tax dollars have dwindled down.
“Be patient,” he reminded everyone as we move forward.
The town’s next council meeting will be May 18, when the economy begins to reopen.