Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with L.R.S. 3:1609 and LAC 7:XV.314 (A), the Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry, Louisiana Boll Weevil Eradication Commission, has established a boll weevil eradication zone, the Louisiana Eradication Zone, consisting of all the territory within the state of Louisiana.
Notice is further given that all producers of commercial cotton in Louisiana are required to participate in the boll weevil eradication program, including cost sharing, in accordance with the Boll Weevil Eradication Law and regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, reporting of cotton acreage and destruction of cotton plants and stalks by December 31 of each crop year. A copy of the law and rules and regulations may be obtained from the Boll Weevil Eradication Commission, 5825 Florida Blvd. Ste. 3002, Baton Rouge, La. 70806, telephone number (225) 922-1338.
Notice is also given that the planting of noncommercial cotton is PROHIBITED in Louisiana unless a written waiver is obtained from the Commissioner of Agriculture & Forestry in accordance with LAC 7:XV.319(C). To request a waiver, submit a written application to the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, at the address provided in this notice, stating the conditions under which such written waiver is requested.
(PUBLISH: FEBRUARY 20 & 27, 2025; MARCH 6, 2025)3T
Cost is $30.00
Allen Parish, Louisiana
The Allen Parish Police Jury will hold a public hearing at 6:00 p.m. on March 10, 2025 at the Parish Police Jury Office located at 602 Court St., Oberlin, LA. The purpose of the meeting is to obtain views on the housing and community development needs of the Parish and to discuss the submission of an application for funding under the State of Louisiana FY 2026/2027 Community Development Block Grant (LCDBG) Program. The following items will be discussed at the hearing:
A. The amount of funds available for proposed community development and housing activities;
B. The range of activities available that may be undertaken, including the estimated amount of funds proposed to be used for activities that will benefit persons of low and moderate incomes;
C. The plans of the Parish for minimizing displaced persons as a result of activities assisted with such funds and the benefits to be provided by the Parish to persons actually displaced as a result of such activities; and,
D. The Parish’s past performance on LCDBG projects funded by the State of Louisiana.
All residents, particularly those of low and moderate income and residents of slum and blighted areas of the Parish are encouraged to attend this meeting.
Accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities and/or limited English proficiency provided that three (3) days’ notice are received by the Parish.
Those citizens unable to attend this hearing may submit their views and proposals until March 10, 2025 in writing to:
Allen Parish Police Jury
P.O. Box G
Oberlin, LA 70655-2007
Tony Hebert, President
Cost is $80.00
JANUARY 14, 2025
Allen Parish Ambulance Service Board of Directors met for monthly meeting at the Allen Parish Ambulance Service Office on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 4:30 p.m.
Members Present: Fred A. Ritter, Chuck Welch, Sarah Ryland, Sharon Grundy, Simeon B. Doise
Chairman Ritter called the meeting to order promptly at 4:30 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.
Motion by Ryland, seconded by Doise to approve and dispense with the reading of the minutes from December 10, 2024 meeting. Motion passed.
Old Business: none
Public Comment: none
New Business:
Motion by Ryland, seconded by Welch to approve the proposed bid from Ryan Ambulance. Motion passed.
Motion by Doise, seconded by Ryland to approve the cost of living adjustment. Motion passed.
Executive Director Istre gave the Fleet Report and Financial Report. Istre discussed financials and reviewed budget variances with the Board.
Motion by Ryland, seconded by Doise to adjourn. Motion passed.
Fred A. Ritter, Chairman
Marna Istre, Executive Director
Kimberley Fore, Secretary
Cost is $70.00
Allen Parish
Clerk of Court
Public Notice Regarding Election of MARCH 29, 2025
Please be advised that the Board of Election Supervisors will meet on the following dates:
Draw Commissioners
FEBRUARY 28, 2025
at 10:00 A.M. @
Allen Parish Registrars’ Office
105 North 5th Street
Oberlin, La 70655
Seal Early Voting Machines
MARCH 13, 2025
at 9:00 A.M. @
Allen Parish Registrars’ Office
105 North 5th Street
Oberlin, La 70655
MARCH 24, 2025
at 5:00 P.M. @
Allen Parish
Voting Machine Warehouse
206 West 6th Avenue
Oberlin, La 70655
Seal Voting Machines
MARCH 27, 2025
at 9:00 A.M. @
Allen Parish
Voting Machine Warehouse
206 West 6th Avenue
Oberlin, La 70655
Open Voting Machines
APRIL 1, 2025
at 9:00 A.M. @
Allen Parish
Voting Machine Warehouse
206 West 6th Avenue
Oberlin, La 70655
APRIL 2, 2025
at 9:00 A.M. @
Allen Parish
Clerk of Court Office
400 West 6th Avenue
Oberlin, La 70655
Stacey C. Hurst
Allen Parish Clerk of Court
Custodian of Voting Machines
Cost is $85.00
FEBRUARY 3, 2025
The Notice of Meeting/Agenda having been duly posted in accordance with requirements, and a quorum being present, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Wayland LaFargue at 6:00 p.m.
Mayor, Council and Staff Present: Wayland LaFargue, Mayor; LaToya Tunwar, Councilwoman Dist. 1; Jerry Nevils, Jr., Councilman Dist. 3; Angie Van Norman, Councilwoman Dist. 4; Susanne Sonnier, Councilwoman at Large; Traci Fontenot, Town Clerk; Michael Holmes, Town Attorney; Eric Fontenot, Public Works Superintendent; Tom David, Pan American Engineers; Rhett Desselle, Pan American Engineers;
Council and Staff Absent: Maria DeWees, Councilwoman Dist. 2; Paul Courville, Chief of Police;
Approval of Minutes: Mayor LaFargue asked the council to consider approving the minutes for the regular council meeting of January 6, 2025.
Motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes from January 6, 2025, and approve them as distributed made by Councilman Nevils, second by Councilwoman Sonnier. Vote: 4-0, passed.
Mayor’s Report: Mayor LaFargue reported that local organizations have begun inquiring about the date for Trick-or-Treat as they plan their events. He announced that Trick-or-Treat will be held on Thursday, October 30th, to avoid conflict with the scheduled football game on Friday, October 31st.
Chief of Police Report: No report was given due to the absence of Chief Paul Courville.
Town Attorney Report: Mr. Holmes opened a public hearing regarding Ordinance No. 885, which provides for the continued levy of a 0.3% sales and use tax in the Town of Kinder, as authorized by voters in a special election held on December 7, 2024. Mayor LaFargue opened the floor for public comments. Councilwoman Tunwar had a question about whether this was already voted on. Hearing no further comments, the public hearing was closed.
Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 885 made by Councilman Nevils, second by Councilwoman Sonnier
Mayor LaFargue called for a roll call vote:
Councilwoman Tunwar: Nay
Councilwoman DeWees: Absent
Councilman Nevils: Yea
Councilwoman Van Norman: Yea
Councilwoman Sonnier: Yea
Motion passed, 3-1.
Mr. Holmes asked the council to consider Resolution No. 2025-04, approving a Joint Services Agreement with the Allen Parish Police Jury. Additionally, the resolution authorized the payment of Additive Alternates 1 and 2 for the Park Rd. Bridge Project using Town funds. After some discussion, a motion was made.
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2025-04, approving a Joint Services Agreement with the Allen Parish Police Jury relative to the Park Rd. Bridge project, made by Councilwoman Van Norman, second by Councilman Nevils. Vote: 4-0, passed.
Engineer’s Report: Condemnation Hearing – Case No. 2024-08, 1402 2nd Ave.
The council revisited the condemnation hearing for the property at 1402 2nd Ave., which had been tabled at the December 2, 2024, meeting. The attorney appointed to represent the property was present and reported that the owner wishes to rehabilitate the structure and is requesting additional time. Tom David stated that, in his professional opinion, the property is salvageable and recommended that the council terminate the condemnation process, allowing the owner to proceed with rehabilitation. After some discussion, a motion was made.
Motion to dismiss the condemnation and record the cancellation with the Allen Parish Clerk of Court made by Councilwoman Tunwar, second by Councilwoman Sonnier. Vote: 4-0, passed.
Condemnation Hearing – Case No. 2024-20, 1301 Carver Ave.
The council revisited the condemnation hearing for the property at 1301 Carver Ave., which had been tabled at the December 2, 2024, meeting. Family members were present, and their attorney reported that the property had been inspected, and that the family was considering whether to rehabilitate the house or demolish the structure. She noted that efforts were ongoing to contact all family members and finalize a plan. Their attorney requested that the council terminate the condemnation and remove the property from the condemnation list. Tom David recommended granting the family 90 days to finalize their plan for either renovation or demolition. After further discussion, the council agreed to extend the timeframe to six months. A motion was made.
Motion to postpone the condemnation hearing for six months, with a review at the August council meeting made by Councilwoman Van Norman, second by Councilwoman Tunwar. Vote: 4-0, passed.
Rhett Desselle, with Pan American Engineers, presented Resolution No. 2025-05 for the council’s consideration, requesting acceptance of the work performed by Spinks Construction, Inc. on the Wastewater Treatment Pond project as “Substantially Complete.” He provided an update on the project’s progress and confirmed that the work met the required specifications.
Tom David then addressed the council regarding Resolution No. 2025-06, which proposes the adoption of the revised Citizen Participation Plan in connection with the Louisiana Development Block Grant.
After discussion, the following motions were made.
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2025-05, accepting the work under the contract with Spinks Construction, Inc. for the Wastewater Treatment Pond project as “Substantially Complete” made by Councilwoman Sonnier, second by Councilwoman Van Norman. Vote: 4-0, passed.
Council Report: Councilwoman Angie Van Norman revisited questions raised at the January council meeting regarding the town’s noise ordinance. She requested that the town attorney draft an amendment to simplify the ordinance and make it easier to enforce. Town Attorney Mike Holmes stated that he will prepare a draft for the council’s review at the next meeting.
Public Works Report: Public Works Superintendent Eric Fontenot provided an update on recent projects and maintenance efforts by the public works crew. He reported that the town’s water loss for January was reduced to 11%, marking a significant improvement. Fontenot also presented photos of several lift stations, highlighting ongoing issues such as grease buildup and other maintenance concerns. Additionally, he commended his crew for their dedication and hard work, particularly for the long hours they put in during the January freeze.
Town Clerk Report: Traci Fontenot reported that the monthly budget-to-actual financial statements are included in the council packets.
Adjournment: With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Motion to adjourn made by Councilwoman Tunwar, second by Councilwoman Sonnier. Vote: 4-0, passed.
/s/Wayland LaFargue, Mayor
/s/ Traci B. Fontenot
Town Clerk
Cost is $195.00
January 28, 2025
PRESENT: Logan Hamilton, Katrena Rosas, Gary Savant
OTHERS PRESENT: Adam Sonnier, Jill LeDoux, Alex Rogers, April Aguillard
ABSENT: Reggie Bertrand
The meeting was called to order by President Logan Hamilton at 6:02 p.m. He led the Board in prayer and Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.
Katrena motioned to accept the previous meeting minutes as read and Gary seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Adam updated the Board that Well 3 generator that was originally estimated to be installed sometime in January has been delayed by the winter storm that took place on January 21st.
Adam also updated on Little Mill Booster Site. The water district is waiting to hear if it will receive any funds applied for through the Grant Program.
Adam updated on the winter storm, stating that the system was able to maintain throughout the winter storm, keeping water to customers. We did have to turn Well 5 on to help with the demand. Plans are to pull samples tomorrow, January 29th, so that the boil advisory can be lifted soon.
The Board reviewed & discussed the Financial Report. April made a motion to accept the Report and pay all bills submitted and Katrena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Adam and Alex reported on the water system. Alex stated that the system will take a day or two to level back out after the winter storm demand.
Adam informed the Board that more water meters were ordered. He also mentioned that the deadline to upload all information for the water grade to the state portal is Friday, January 31st. All required documents for the water district have been uploaded.
Gary made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m. and April seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Logan Hamilton, President
Katrena Rosas
Cost is $85.00
Recreation Dist #6
JANUARY 27, 2025
Meeting was called to order by Brandi Croxdale. Roll call was as follows:
Present were Brandi Croxdale, Rusty Reeves, and Mick Estay. Absent were Waylin Bertrand and Emma Young.
Motion by Rusty Reeves second by Brandi Croxdale to dispense with the reading of minutes. Motion carried.
Motion to accept financial report as presented made by Mick Estay second by Brandi Croxdale. Motion carried.
Motion by Mick Estay second by Brandi Croxdale to pay bills. Motion carried.
Motion by Mick Estay second by Brandi Croxdale to approve change order for additional labor and material for erosion control. Motion carried.
Motion by Brandi Croxdale second by Mick Estay to accept the substantial complex for the track project. Motion carried.
Motion by Mick Estay second by Brandi Croxdale to adjourn. Meeting adjourned.
Waylin Bertrand, President
Sissy Young
Cost is $65.00
Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held on Monday, March 24, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. by the Allen Parish Police Jury at the Civic Center, 609 Tiger Lane, Oberlin, Louisiana, 70655, to allow GEC to present the findings from the Environmental Risk Assessment, CO2 Sequestration Projects, Environmental and Public Health Risks.
An open house with Industry, LDENR, and GEC will be held from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
/s/Tony Hebert, President
Allen Parish Police Jury
(PUBLISH: FEBRUARY 20 & 27, 2025; March 6 & 13, 2025)4T
Cost is $55.00
January 7, 2025
Opening: The regular monthly meeting of the West Allen Parish Water District was called to order at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at the office of West Allen Parish Water District by Chancy Frith, Carl Ritter prayed and Rusty Reeves led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Rusty Reeves, Thomas I. Savoie, Chancy Frith, Carl Ritter, Buddy Harrison, Nathan Booher and Jonette Westmoreland
Absent: Charlie Williams IV, Cari Reeves, Glen Monceaux
Guests: Patrick Kirsch
Approve/Amend Agenda
A motion was made by Carl and seconded by Rusty to amend the agenda as follows:
Add Over Site Manager’s report above operational and move Jeremy Greer to the top of the agenda, Passed.
A motion was made by Rusty and seconded by Carl to accept both sets of minutes as typed and presented, passed.
A motion was made by Rusty and seconded by Ira to accept the December 2024 financial report as presented, passed.
A motion was made by Ira and seconded by Carl to transfer $100,000 out of the Construction CD into the Construction Account, split what’s left in the Construction CD into 2 CDs. One of $200,000 and the other one $217,799.60 and also move $50,000 out of Surplus Savings into the operating account, passed.
A motion was made by Rusty and seconded by Ira to table choosing an AC contractor until we get more information, passed.
A motion was made by Rusty and seconded by Carl to pay RFP00006 as presented, passed.
A motion was made by Rusty and seconded by Ira to get quotes to recoat the outside of the Water tower in Reeves with Overcoat Option #1, passed.
A motion was made by Carl and seconded by Ira to send an invoice for the Isaac Cole leak, passed.
A motion was made by Rusty and seconded by Ira to give employees a 4% Cost of Living Raise, passed.
A motion was made by Ira and seconded by Rusty to adjourn, passed.
The next scheduled meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on February 4, 2025.
REEVES, LOUISIANA this 7th day of January, 2025
Chancy Frith, President
Jonette Westmoreland
Administrative Manager
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. To file a complaint of discrimination write: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, S. W. Washington D. C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD) USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.
Cost is $100.00
The West Allen Parish Water District is accepting resumes and applications for the position of General Manager. This position is responsible for managing critical infrastructure that provides drinking water to approximately 1,400 customers. Areas of responsibility include:
•Communicate and interact effectively both with diverse individuals and
with large groups of people with conflicting interests
•Plan, organize, schedule and coordinate activities and set priorities
under changing conditions
•Establish and maintain effective, pleasant and cooperative working
relationships with Board Members, employees, officials and the general
•Customer problem resolution
•Supervise, motivate, inspect and evaluate the work of employees and
outside contractors
•Obtain a knowledge of the system layout and valve locations
•Think through complex issues and recommend sound alternatives and
•Water resource and conservation management
•Negotiating complicated contracts
•Principles and practices of business management
•Be on 24 hour call with the possibility of extended hours of work
•Day-to-day maintenance, operations, structure and function of water
distribution system
•Investigation of potential water theft and fraudulent activities and
liaison with law enforcement
•Public relations and interaction with news media
•Regulatory compliance and regulatory reporting compliance
•Workforce training requirements
•Knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel
The following qualifications are required for this position:
•Minimum High School Diploma/GED
•Must possess a Valid Driver’s License
•Someone that lives within the district or willing to move into the district
•Be capable of acquiring Level 2 Operator licenses in under 2 years
•Be able to pass a background check
•Strong initiative and the ability to work independently with limited
•Superior organizational skills and the ability to work under pressure
and meet deadlines
•Able to work with members of the public under conditions of conflict
•Able to work well with fellow employees, the governing board and outside
agency representatives
•Excellent ability to communicate in both verbal and written form
•Supportive of Policy & Procedures Manual
•Open communication with board
•Fully paid health/dental/vision insurance on first day of hire for employee
•Aflac policy paid up to $50/month
•Twelve paid holidays
•Ten paid sick days per year
•Paid vacation days according to years of service
•Three paid personal days/year
•Overtime pay at time and a half
•Pay commensurate with experience and qualifications
For further information contact the office of West Allen Parish Water District at 337-749-2589 or email us at
(PUBLISH: FEBRUARY 20 & 27, 2025)2T
Cost is $165.00