Issued By
Allen Parish Police Jury
602 Court Street
Oberlin, LA 70655
General Notice
Separate sealed Bids for Turner Road Improvements, Phase 1 – Asphalt Patching, Allen Parish Police Jury; M.A. Project No. B6-23042-DA will be received by the Police Jury, at the Allen Parish Police Jury office, 602 Court Street, Oberlin, LA 70665, until 10:00 AM Central Time Zone, on July 16, 2024, and shall at that time and place be publicly opened and read aloud. Work consists of asphalt concrete pavement patching on Turner Road as indicated on the Plans.
Work Classification
Work Classification: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction
Obtaining the Bidding Documents
Electronic copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained from the Issuing Office of Meyer & Associates, Inc. (337) 625-8353, located at 600 N. Cities Service Hwy., Sulphur, LA 70663. A Bidding Document deposit is not required. In order to submit a bid, Bidders must obtain an original set of electronic Bidding Documents from Meyer & Associates, Inc. or the approved electronic bid website defined herein said advertisement.
Access to electronic bidding is available through the Bidding Documents Website
/s/ Tony Hebert, President
(PUBLISH: JUNE 20 & 27, 2024; JULY 4, 2024)3T
Allen Parish Sheriff’s Office is soliciting bid proposals from qualified suppliers for one or more Chrysler Pacifica, silver or white in color, no preference on trim package, model year 2023 or newer.
In order to be considered, bid proposals must be received by 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 23, 2024.
To obtain proposal specifications or for questions concerning this bid and its requirements please contact Pam Pender, Allen Parish Sheriff’s Office at 337-639-4353, Extension 347, or email
Responses may be delivered as follows: Mail to Post Office Box 278, Oberlin, LA 70655; email or hand delivered to 7340 Highway 26, Oberlin, LA 70655.
All bid proposals should be sealed and identified on the outside: Response to Request for Bid Proposal – Fleet 2024/004.
Allen Parish Sheriff’s Office reserves the right to reject any and all bid proposals, to waive information and award as it might elect.
To be published on July 4th and July 11th
(PUBLISH: JULY 4 & 11, 2024)2T
Magnolia Sequestration Hub, LLC, invites bids for:
Providing contingent labor services for drilling projects funded by the Department of Energy (“DOE”). Labor categories include Health, Safety, and Environmental Representatives and Drill Site Managers in Allen Parish, LA.
Interested parties should submit their bids or seek further information by contacting Melisa Reyna at before July 12th at 2PM CT. The Request for Proposals will open on or about July 16, 2024, and will close on or about August 2, 2024.
(PUBLISH: JUNE 27, 2024; JULY 4 & 11, 2024)3T
CALL TO ORDER: A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order by Chairman Dr. Mike Karam. The prayer was led by Adagria Haddock, and all participated in the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL: Those present for the meeting were: Dr. Mike Karam, Odessa House, Wilma Hargrove, Angela Hayward, Martha Turner and Keith Guillory. Bettye Clement was absent.
APPROVAL OF MAY 28, 2024 MINUTES: A motion was made by Martha Turner and seconded by Keith Guillory, to accept the minutes as written. A unanimous vote was had.
APPROVAL OF DIRECTOR’S REPORT: A motion was made by Keith Guillory and seconded by Martha Turner, to approve the Director’s report. A unanimous vote was had.
APPROVAL OF FINANCE REPORT: A motion was made by Martha Turner and seconded by Wilma Hargrove, to accept the Finance Report as written. A unanimous vote was had.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no more business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Keith Guillory and was seconded by Martha Turner, to adjourn the meeting. A unanimous vote was had.
(PUBLISH: JULY 4, 2024)1T
The Allen Parish Police Jury met in regular session at the Police Jury Administration Building, Oberlin, Louisiana, June 3, 2024 at the hour of 6:00pm.
Present: Anthony Hebert, Heath Ardoin, Allen Courville, Joe Perkins, Roland Hollins, and Adam Hussong. Absent: Ruffin George, Jr. and Chad Sanders.
Motion seconded and carried to go into session.
Held a public meeting to change the speed limit to 35 mph on Perkins Road.
Motion seconded and carried to adopt ordinance to change the speed limit to 35 mph on Perkins Road.
The Lord’s Prayer was said followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion seconded and carried to approve minutes held May 6th, 2024.
The Finance Committee had the following recommendations:
1) Approve to pay Stephen Presley Electric $2,250.00 for the electrical work to install pumps at the Courthouse.
2) Approve to pay Prestige Plumbing $5,500.00 for the plumbing work to install pumps at the Courthouse.
3) Approve a contract with McNeese to do a CO2 project for Allen Parish.
4) Review 2025 tax renewals. No action is required.
Motion seconded and carried to accept the recommendations of the Finance Committee.
The Road Committee had the following recommendations:
1) Approve a JSA with the City of Oakdale for grass cutting, pothole patching and trash pick up for the month of June, 2024.
2) Approve a JSA with the Village of Reeves to help correct a drainage issue on Sawmill Road.
3) Approve a JSA with the Allen Parish School Board for material, labor and equipment to repair the following bus turnarounds:
393 Martin Road in Kinder.
Motion seconded and carried to accept the recommendations of the Road Committee.
Motion seconded and carried for the purchasing agent to take necessary action for fuel, materials, and supplies for the month.
Mrs. Sonnier opened bids for the Official Journal. We received one bid from the Kinder Courier.
Motion seconded and carried to accept the bid from the Kinder Courier.
Mr. Joel Johnson opened bids for 6-month bids. Bids were received from Larry Grayson, Jody Cloud Trucking, Youngblood Dirt Service, Apeck Aggregates, Ergon Asphalt and Emulsions, Diamond B. Construction, L Fontenot’s Trucking, Wilson Culverts, Coburns Supply, Coastal Culverts & Supply, Inc. and KEDCO.
Motion seconded and carried to accept bids based on pricing and availability.
Mrs. Sonnier opened bids on adjudicated property. One bid was received from Justin Mahaffey in the amount of $600.00.
Motion seconded and carried to approve to accept the bid for adjudicated property.
Recognized Gene Ingram with Allen Parish Community Healthcare.
Motion seconded and carried to approve the 2024/2025 budget for the Southwest Louisiana Crime Laboratory.
Motion seconded and carried to approve to accept the resignation of Don Dowies from the NW Allen Water District and appoint Carolyn Deshotel to complete his term.
Motion seconded and carried to approve a JSA with NW Allen Water Board for emergency watermain bore under Whisky Chitto Creek at Hwy 26.
Motion seconded and carried to approve to a contract with MML&H for engineering services to replacement the watermain bore using CWEF Emergency Funds
Motion seconded and caried to approve to advertise for sealed bids on adjudicated parcel 0540136700 in Ward 5.
Discussed and appointed Adam Hussong, Chad Sanders, Rolland Hollins and Joe Perkins to the CO2 Committee.
Recognized Ms. Sonnier to present the monthly inmate report. Expenses for the month of May 2024 totaled $251,344.36. We are under budget $12,655.64 for the year. Currently there are 108 Parish and 8 DOC inmates.
Recognized Mr. Joel Johnson for the report on the airport.
Motion seconded and carried to add item to the agenda:
1) Call for a public hearing to discuss public concerns regarding Fastwyre.
Motion seconded and carried to approve to call for a public hearing to discuss public concerns regarding Fastwyre.
Motion seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting.
Tony Hebert, President
Allen Parish Police Jury
Colleen Sonnier
(PUBLISH: JULY 4, 2024)1T
JUNE 6, 2024
The Allen Parish Police Jury met in special session at the Police Jury Administration Building, Oberlin, Louisiana, June 6, 2024 at the hour of 12:00 p.m.
Present: Anthony Hebert, Allen Courville, Chad Sanders, Adam Hussong and Joe Perkins.
Absent: Heath Ardoin, Ruffin George, Jr. and Roland Hollins
Motion seconded and carried to go into session.
Motion seconded and carried to award the Park Road Bridge Material bid to True North Steel.
Motion by seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting.
Tony Hebert, President
Allen Parish Police Jury
Colleen Sonnier
(PUBLISH: JULY 4, 2024)1T
MEETING May 6, 2024
The Notice of Meeting/Agenda having been duly posted in accordance with requirements, and a quorum being present, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Wayland LaFargue at 6:00 p.m.
Mayor, Council and Staff Present: Wayland LaFargue, Mayor; LaToya Tunwar, Councilwoman Dist.1; Maria DeWees, Councilwoman Dist. 2; Jerry Nevils, Jr., Councilman Dist. 3; Angie Van Norman, Councilwoman Dist.4; Susanne Sonnier, Councilwoman at Large; Paul Courville, Chief of Police; Traci Fontenot, Town Clerk; Michael Holmes, Town Attorney; Eric Fontenot, Public Works Superintendent; Brendon Gaspard, Pan American Engineers
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mayor LaFargue asked the council to consider approving the minutes for the regular council meeting of April 1, 2024.
Motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes from April 1, 2024, and approve them as distributed made by Councilwoman Tunwar, second by Councilwoman Van Norman. Vote: 5-0, passed.
MAYOR REPORT: Blake Trahan addressed the mayor and council regarding his new training facility called The U. He reported that it is geared towards youth sports and personal training and that the grand opening will be Monday, May 27th.
Brodie Rice was at the meeting to ask the council to consider passing an ordinance banning the sale of items sold in local stores that he believes is used as drug paraphernalia. He talked about the danger of these items being easily accessible. Michael Holmes, Town Attorney, reported that the Town currently does not have an ordinance in place to ban the sale of these items, but that he would do some research and report back to the council at a later meeting.
TOWN ATTORNEY REPORT: Mr. Holmes discussed two ordinances related to the annual budget. Councilwoman Tunwar introduced Ordinance No. 881, an ordinance to amend the budget for FY 2023/2024 and Ordinance No. 882, an ordinance proposing the budget for FY 2024/2025. There will be a public hearing, discussion, and vote at the next regular council meeting.
Mr. Holmes reported on several other items under his report. He has been asked to investigate the legality of adult items for sale and on full display in local stores. He reported that the administrative staff recently met with Mrs. Linda Thompson, Allen Parish Library Board of Directors, regarding their interest in purchasing the library from the Town. Mr. Holmes also reported that the agreement between the Town of Kinder and the Coushatta Tribe regarding the purchase of natural gas for the Coushatta Casino Resort facilities is being finalized and will be presented to the council for approval at a later date.
ENGINEER REPORT: Brendon Gaspard opened a public hearing to hear comments for or against a variance request from Pattie Delafoisse regarding setback requirements for her property located at 1004 Church Street. Mr. Gaspard explained that Mrs. Delafoisse is planning to tear down the current house on the property and build a new home but due to the narrowness of the lot, a variance from the current setback requirements would be necessary. He reported that the existing structure violates that setback requirements and that since the proposed structure would cause less of an encroachment into the setbacks less of impact to the surrounding properties, he recommends approval of the variance. After some discussion, a motion was made.
Motion to accept the recommendation from the Town Engineer to approve the variance request from Pattie Delafoisse waiving the setback requirements for 1004 Church Street made by Councilwoman Van Norman, second by Councilman Nevils. Vote: 5-0, passed
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Eric Fontenot reported that he is currently looking into installing one meter for the apartment complex on 14th Street instead of individual meters at each apartment. He explained that due to the way the apartments are currently billed, there is a major loss of water revenue because of leaks on the property that don’t run through the individual meters. He said that once the single master meter is installed, the apartment complex would be billed for the water usage to the entire complex. He also reported on several other ongoing projects that the public works department is working on.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.
Motion to adjourn made by Councilwoman Tunwar, second by Councilwoman Van Norman. Vote: 5-0, passed.
/s/Wayland LaFargue, Mayor
/s/Traci B. Fontenot, Town Clerk
(PUBLISH: JULY 4, 2024)1T
The Notice of Meeting/Agenda having been duly posted in accordance with requirements, and a quorum being present, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Wayland LaFargue at 6:00 p.m.
Mayor, Council and Staff Present: Wayland LaFargue, Mayor; LaToya Tunwar, Councilwoman Dist.1; Maria DeWees, Councilwoman Dist. 2; Jerry Nevils, Jr., Councilman Dist. 3; Angie Van Norman, Councilwoman Dist.4; Susanne Sonnier, Councilwoman at Large; Paul Courville, Chief of Police; Traci Fontenot, Town Clerk; Michael Holmes, Town Attorney; Eric Fontenot, Public Works Superintendent; C.W. Roland, Pan American Engineers
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mayor LaFargue asked the council to consider approving the minutes for the regular council meeting of May 6, 2024.
Motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes from May 6, 2024, and approve them as distributed made by Councilman Nevils, second by Councilwoman Sonnier. Vote: 5-0, passed.
MAYOR REPORT: Mayor LaFargue asked the council to consider moving the July 1, 2024 council meeting to July 8, 2024. After some discussion, a motion was made.
Motion to move the July council meeting to Monday, July 8, 2024 made by Councilwoman Sonnier, second by Councilwoman Tunwar. Vote: 5-0, passed.
Mayor LaFargue also asked the council to consider adopting a resolution appointing a Director and Alternate Director for the Louisiana Municipal Gas Authority (LMGA) Board of Directors for the current term. After some discussion, a motion was made.
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2024-06 appointing Wayland LaFargue as Director and Eric Fontenot as Alternate Director for the LMGA Board of Directors made by Councilman Nevils, second by Councilwoman Sonnier. Vote: 5-0, passed.
CHIEF OF POLICE REPORT: Chief Courville gave an update on calls and reports for the month of May.
TOWN ATTORNEY REPORT: Mr. Holmes opened the public hearing regarding the amended budget for FY 2023/2024, Ordinance No. 881. There being no public comment, the public hearing was closed.
Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 881 regarding the amended budget for FY 2023/2024 made by Councilwoman Tunwar, second by Councilwoman DeWees.
Mayor LaFargue called for a roll call vote:
Councilwoman Tunwar: Yea
Councilwoman DeWees: Yea
Councilman Nevils: Yea
Councilwoman Van Norman: Yea
Councilwoman Sonnier: Yea
Motion passed, 5-0.
Mr. Holmes opened the public hearing regarding the proposed budget for FY 2024/2025, Ordinance No. 882. There being no public comment, the public hearing was closed.
Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 882 regarding the proposed budget for FY 2024/2025 made by Councilwoman Tunwar, second by Councilwoman DeWees.
Mayor LaFargue called for a roll call vote:
Councilwoman Tunwar: Yea
Councilwoman DeWees: Yea
Councilman Nevils: Yea
Councilwoman Van Norman: Yea
Councilwoman Sonnier: Yea
Motion passed, 5-0.
Mr. Holmes gave an update regarding the potential sale of the library. He reported that he asked the library board to get bids on building repairs and suggested that they consult with their attorney regarding obtaining their own appraisal. He also reported that he will get an opinion from outside counsel regarding the dedicated sales tax.
ENGINEER REPORT: C. W. Roland reported that the wastewater treatment plant project was delayed several days due to bad weather and that a request to extend the contract time may be necessary. He also gave an update on the Louisiana Watershed Initiative project for drainage in the Nixon Addition.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Eric Fontenot asked the council to consider introducing an amendment to Ordinances 795, 796, and 797 regarding the gas, water and wastewater systems. He explained that the actual cost of some services, like new line taps, greatly exceeds the cost that is currently charged to customers. After some discussion, Councilwoman Van Norman introduced Ordinance No. 883. There will be a public hearing, discussion, and vote at the next regular council meeting.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.
Motion to adjourn made by Councilwoman Van Norman, second by Councilwoman Tunwar. Vote: 5-0, passed.
/s/Wayland LaFargue, Mayor
/s/Traci B. Fontenot, Town Clerk
(PUBLISH: JULY 4, 2024)1T
Allen Parish Fire Protection District #4
Meeting May 23, 2024
The Allen Parish Fire Protection District #4 held its monthly board of directors meeting at 808 2nd Ave. Kinder, LA 70648. The meeting was held on May 23, 2024
Roll Call: Members Present: Mark Kelly (P) Mike Smith (P) Robert Kibodeaux (P) Voorhies Leger (P) Dianna Kelly (P)
Meeting was called to order at 6:01 PM
Prayer & Pledge
Voorhies Leger motioned to accept the minutes from the April meeting. Mike Smith seconded. Motion passed.
Public comment period was open to the general public, no one spoke during this period.
Jacob LaCour presented the financial statement. MIke Smith motioned to approve the financial statement, seconded by Voorhies Leger. Motion passed
Voorhies Leger motioned to accept sale of Service 1 truck, Mike Smith seconded. Motion passed.
Motion to adjourn by Mike Smith, seconded by Dianna Kelly
Meeting was adjourned at 6:24 PM by Mark Kelly.
(PUBLISH: JULY 4, 2024)1T
Minutes of a Public Hearing on May 13, 2024
This is a notice of a meeting for the Town Council of Oberlin, Louisiana that will be held on Monday, May 13th, 2024, at 6:00 P.M., at the Community Center on Martin Luther King Dr. in Oberlin, La., for the purpose of considering the following agenda items:
1. Call meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
Present: Mayor Larry W. Alexander, Abraham McCleon III, Ryan Rozas, Christopher Davis, Gary Marcantel Jr., Attorney Shane Williams
Absent: Chief Grady K. Haynes
4. Hear from the public on any agenda items as per statute. (3 MIN limit)
a. Mark Daigle commented that his water bill should only be $51.00 since nothing in his life has changed. Mayor assured Mr. Daigle that bills are determined by the meter and register; water that passed through the meter is what he is being charged for. Mr. Daigle commented that the water rates weren’t approved by the community, Steven Kimball (CPA), assured Mr. Daigle that the state comes in and does a study and tells the Town what their rates should be and the Town Council votes on it. Time was called by the Mayor.
5. Mayor’s report
a. Maintenance
b. Finance
i. Bills-
a. Able to pay the bills.
ii. Grants
a. Recreational trails grant was awarded.
b. Sidewalk project being pushed back due to the weather.
c. Sewer project is still in effect.
6. Consent Agenda
6.1 Approval of Minutes from regular council meeting of April 8th, 2024
6.2 Approve payment of bills as approved by Mayor and Finance Committee.
Motioned by Garry Marcantel, Seconded by Ryan Rozas
*Approved unanimously
7. Approve Flag Program for American Legion Post 144
Motioned by Ryan Rozas, Seconded by Janice Simon
*Approved unanimously
8. Approve Mayor to sign Lease of Backhoe with PTI
Motioned by Abraham McCleon III, Seconded by Christopher Davis
*Approved unanimously
9. Approve Park Budget
Motioned by Gary Marcantel, Seconded by Christopher Davis
*Approved unanimously
10. Approve Joint Service Agreement with the Drainage Board to provide trailer and dump truck services to work on the main drainage in the Town of Oberlin.
Motioned by Abraham McCleon III, Seconded by Christopher Davis
*Approved unanimously
11. Janice Simon- Discuss taking down canoe signs coming into Oberlin, and the signs in District 4 need to be fixed.
Mayor assured the old signs will be taken down and get signs fixed.
12. Introduce Ordinance for Amended Operating Budget 2023-2024 Fiscal Year
13. Introduce Ordinance for the Operating Budget for 2024-2025 Fiscal Year
14. Adjourn
Motioned by Ryan Rozas, Seconded by Janice Simon
*Approved unanimously
(PUBLISH: JULY 4, 2024)1T
JUNE 10, 2024
Notice is hereby given of a meeting of the Town Council of Oberlin, Louisiana to be held on Monday, June 10th, 2024 at 5:30 PM in the Community Center located at 205 MLK Dr. Oberlin, LA the following agenda items:
1. Call meeting to order
2. Budget discussion for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year
a. Brief discussion on budget items
3. Introducing an Ordinance Regulating the Salary, Duties, and hours of the elected Chief of Police for Oberlin
a. The Chief Ordinance salary was previously passed in 2019 in a council meeting but was never put into an ordinance. The ordinance will be on the agenda for approval for the next meeting.
4. Adjourn
(PUBLISH: JULY 4, 2024)1T
This is a notice of a meeting for the Town Council of Oberlin, Louisiana that will be held on Monday, June 10th, 2024, at 6:00 P.M., at the Community Center on Martin Luther King Dr. in Oberlin, La., for the purpose of considering the following agenda items:
1. Call meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call
Present: Mayor Larry W. Alexander, Abraham McCleon III, Ryan Rozas, Christopher Davis, Gary Marcantel Jr., Attorney Shane Williams, Chief Grady K. Haynes
4. Hear from the public on any agenda items as per statute. (3 MIN limit)- No Comment
5. Mayor’s report
a. Maintenance
1. The maintenance crew has been working on digging ditches to get drainage under control. Many residents have culverts that are clogged or crushed or have no culverts at all. This is causing water to stay in ditches and back up into residents’ yards.
b. Finance
i. Bills
a. The town is able to pay bills.
ii. Grants
a. The Clearance Grant is in the final stages as far as paperwork.
b. The Sewer Grant is 80% completed with the investigation and will begin smoke testing in two weeks.
c. The Sidewalk Project has started around town. The old sidewalks will be removed once the new ones are in place.
6. Consent Agenda
6.1 Approval of Minutes from regular council meeting of May 13th, 2024
6.2 Approve payment of bills as approved by Mayor and Finance Committee.
Motioned by Abraham McCleon III, Seconded by Chrisopher Davis
*Approve unanimously
7. Approve Ordinance adopting an Amended Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the General Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024
Motioned by Ryan Rozas, Seconded by Gary Marcantel
*Approved unanimously
8. Approve Ordinance adopting an Amended Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the Sales Tax Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024
Motioned by Abraham McCleon III, Seconded by Janice Simon
*Approved unanimously
9. Approve An Ordinance adopting an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the General Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025.
Motioned by Christopher Davis, Seconded by Ryan Rozas
*Approved unanimously
10. Approve Ordinance adopting an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the Sales Tax Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025.
Motioned by Abraham McCleon III, Seconded by Christopher Davis
*Approved unanimously
11. Adjourn
Motioned by Abraham McCleon III, Seconded by Janice Simon
*Approved unanimously
(PUBLISH: JULY 4, 2024)1T
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Amy Elam. Roll call was as follows: Present were Amy Elam, Luther Miller, Al Ritter, Rusty Reeves, Paula Lee, Chief Michael Dotson, and guest Lisa Lenhart, Chip Lenhart, and Anthony Doucet.
Motion made by Al Ritter, second by Paula Lee to dispense with reading of the minutes from last meeting. Motion carried.
Motion to pay bills made by Luther Miller second by Paula Lee. Motion carried.
Chief’s Report: 2 grass/woods fires, 4 medical calls. All 3 pumpers have been repaired. Discussion on Fire Dept. Radios.
Motion by Al Ritter, seconded by Paula Lee to request a Ethics Opinion regarding Jonathan Aymond being the Fire Chief of the Fire District with compensation. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn made by Paula Lee second Al Ritter. Meeting adjourned.
Al Ritter, Chairman/President
Rusty Reeves
(PUBLISH: JULY 4, 2024)1T
The Village of Reeves met for a special meeting at the Reeves City Hall on April 1, 2024. Mayor Chris Guillory called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. All were present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and followed was a prayer led by Alderman Glenn Ducharme.
Motion by Ducharme, second by Estay, and carried to dispense with the reading of the March 4, 2024 meeting and accept as written.
Public meeting was opened to discuss the financials. No comments were made. Public meeting was closed.
Motion by Estay, second by Jeffcoats, and carried to accept the financial reports.
Mrs. Jackie Reviel from Allen Parish Rural Health Clinic spoke to the council about the new clinic that was delivered. Facelift is coming along with the sign. Opening day is scheduled for July 1st.
Chief of Police Waylin Bertrand made a recommendation to hire Michael Dotson as the Assistant Chief of Police. Motioned by Estay, seconded by Jeffcoats, and carried.
Discussed the new city hall bidding process still at the state level.
Motion by Estay, second by Jeffcoats, and carried at 6:55 PM to adjourn the meeting.
Chris Guillory, Mayor
Nicole Moreau, Clerk
(PUBLISH: JULY 4, 2024)1T
The Village of Reeves met in regular meeting at the Reeves City Hall on May 6, 2024. Mayor Chris Guillory called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. All were present except Alderman Scottie Jeffcoats. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and followed was a prayer led by Alderman Glenn Ducharme.
Motion by Estay, second by Ducharme, and carried to dispense with the reading of the April 1, 2024 meeting and accept as written.
Public meeting was opened to discuss the financials. No comments were made. Public meeting was closed.
Motion by Ducharme, second by Estay, and carried to accept the financial reports.
Discussed the pre-bid meeting being held the following Thursday at City Hall.
Mayor Guillory informed the council that Carlo Maggio was hired for the part-time maintenance position.
Discussed the two police units that were donated to the Reeves Police Department by Calcasieu Parish Sheriff, Tony Mancuso.
Chief Bertrand let the board know that he will begin conducting interviews for the assistance chief of police position.
Discussed the Legnon street sign that need to be replaced to an individual hitting it.
Motion by Estay, second by Ducharme, and carried at 6:42 PM to adjourn the meeting.
Chris Guillory, Mayor
Nicole Moreau, Clerk
(PUBLISH: JULY 4, 2024)1T
MEETING May 7, 2024
The regular monthly meeting of the West Allen Parish Water District was called to order at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at the office of West Allen Parish Water District by Chancy Frith, Carl Ritter prayed and Ira Savoie led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Chancy Frith, Kurt Schultz, Carl Ritter, Thomas I. Savoie, Glen Monceaux, Rusty Reeves, Charlie Williams IV, Peggy Kennedy, Jonette Westmoreland & Nathan Booher
Absent: None
Guests: Todd and Lisa Taylor, Joe Perkins, Terri Williams, Pete Cavenah, Glen Bruce & Patrick Kirsch
A motion was made by Kurt and seconded by Carl to amend the agenda to remove Jeremy Rion from the bank accounts and add Charlie Williams IV to the bank accounts under New Business, passed.
A motion was made by Rusty and seconded by Kurt to accept the minutes of the last meeting as Typed and presented, passed.
A motion was made by Kurt and seconded by Rusty to accept the April 2024 financial report as presented, passed.
A motion was made by Glen and seconded by Ira to accept the quarterly budget review, passed.
A motion was made by Kurt and seconded by Rusty to pay RFP 4 to Meyer & Associates, passed.
A motion was made by Kurt and seconded by Rusty to table the conversation, passed.
A motion was made by Rusty, and seconded by Carl to create to following resolution, passed: A resolution to remove David Jeremy Rion from the safe deposit box, number 117, located at Jeff Davis Bank and to add Charlie Williams IV to safe deposit box number 117 located at Jeff Davis Bank. The active board members and managers as designated executives for the safe deposit box number 117 as follows: William E. Reeves, Jr., Kimberly J. Westmoreland, Nathan Booher, Carl Ritter, Thomas Savoie, Glen Monceaux, Chancy Frith, Charlie Williams IV and Kurt Schultz.
A motion was made by Glen and seconded by Charlie to set the Bulk Water Rates as follows: $100 Initial Set Up Fee, $30 for the first 2,000 gallons and $15 per 1,000 gallons thereafter, passed.
A motion was made by Carl and seconded by Kurt to adjourn at 7:52 P.M., passed.
The next scheduled meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on 07/02/24.
REEVES, LOUISIANA this 7th day of May, 2024
Chancy Frith, President
Jonette Westmoreland
Office Manager
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(PUBLISH: JULY 4, 2024)1T
MEETING June 11, 2024
The regular monthly meeting of the West Allen Parish Water District was called to order at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at the office of West Allen Parish Water District by Chancy Frith, Carl Ritter prayed and Rusty Reeves led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Chancy Frith, Kurt Schultz, Carl Ritter, Rusty Reeves, Charlie Williams IV & Nathan Booher
Absent: Thomas I. Savoie, Glen Monceaux and Jonette Westmoreland
Guests: Lisa Taylor, Joe Perkins, Dawn Perkins, Custer Fontana, Pete Cavenah, Glen Bruce & Patrick Kirsch
A motion was made by Carl and seconded by Rusty to amend the agenda move Custer up on the agenda and to add Joe Perkins to speak about carbon sequestration, passed.
A motion was made by Kurt and seconded by Carl to accept the minutes of the last meeting as Typed and presented, passed.
A motion was made by Kurt and seconded by Charlie to accept the May 2024 financial report as presented, passed.
A motion was made by Rusty Reeves and seconded by Carl Ritter, to create the following resolution, passed:
A resolution to adopt the 2023 Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire as required by the Louisiana Legislative Auditor.
The above resolution was called to a vote; the vote thereon was as follows: 5 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent, 0 recused.
A motion was made by Rusty and seconded by Charlie to adjourn at 6:47 P.M., passed.
The next scheduled meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on 07/02/24.
REEVES, LOUISIANA this 11th day of June, 2024
Chancy Frith, President
Kurt Schultz
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. To file a complaint of discrimination write: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, S. W. Washington D. C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD) USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.
(PUBLISH: JULY 4, 2024)1T
1. High School Diploma or Equivalence
2. Post-secondary Training or Comparable
3. Proficient in Microsoft Office Applications
4. Other criteria established by the Board
Terms of Employment: 10 months
Salary: Allen Parish Salary Schedule
Applications must be submitted through the following website:
Application Deadline: July 9, 2024
This Institution is an equal opportunity provider
(PUBLISH: JUNE 27, 2024; JULY 4, 2024)2T
The Allen Parish School Board is seeking person(s) to fill the following position(s):
Valid Louisiana Teacher’s Certificate
Louisiana Certification as a Guidance
Allen Parish School Board Salary Schedule
1. Letter of Application
2. Resume
3. Copy of Teacher’s Certificate
Applications must be submitted through the following website:
(PUBLISH: JUNE 27, 2024; JULY 4, 2024)2T
The Allen Parish School Board is seeking person(s) to fill the following position(s):
1-PART Day (4 1/2 hr.)
Cafeteria Tech for
Minimum Requirements:
1. High school diploma or GED Certificate.
Copy must be attached.
2. Quantity food service experience.
3. Demonstrates aptitude for successful
performance of all job responsibilities as
assigned by proper authority.
4. Excellent physical and mental health.
(Pre-employment physicals are required.)
Salary: Starting Pay $9,635/year
($12.03/hour starting pay)
Status of Employments: 9 months (178 days)
Application Deadline:
Monday, July 15, 2024
Employment Effective:
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Special Requirements: Interviews will be
conducted on July 17th and 18th, 2024 at the
Allen Parish School Board office
Allen Parish School Board Office
1111 West 7th Ave. • P O Drawer C
Oberlin, Louisiana 70655
This Institution is an equal opportunity provider
(PUBLISH: JULY 4 & 11, 2024)2T
The Allen Parish School Board is seeking person(s) to fill the following position(s):
1-FULL Day (7 hr.)
Cafeteria Tech for
Minimum Requirements:
1. High school diploma or GED Certificate.
Copy must be attached.
2. Quantity food service experience.
3. Demonstrates aptitude for successful
performance of all job responsibilities as
assigned by proper authority.
4. Excellent physical and mental health.
(Pre-employment physicals are required.)
Salary: Starting Pay $15,972/year
($12.82/hour starting pay)
Status of Employments: 9 months (178 days)
Application Deadline:
Monday, July 15, 2024
Employment Effective:
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Special Requirements: Interviews will be
conducted on July 17th and 18th, 2024 at the
Allen Parish School Board office
Allen Parish School Board Office
1111 West 7th Ave. • P O Drawer C
Oberlin, Louisiana 70655
This Institution is an equal opportunity provider
(PUBLISH: JULY 4 & 11, 2024)2T
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Article 7, Section 23(C) of the Constitution and R.S. 47:1705(B) that a public hearing of Allen Parish Law Enforcement District will be held on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. at the Allen Parish Sheriff’s Office, 601 Court Street, Oberlin, Louisiana, to consider levying additional or increased millage rates without further voter approval or adopting the adjusted millage rates after reassessment and rolling forward to rates not to exceed the prior year’s maximum. The estimated amount of tax revenues to be collected in the next tax year from the increased millage is $2,519,515.88, and the estimated amount of increase in taxes attributable to the millage increase is $89,507.47.