After April’s report showed a negative in collections overall, it’s great to know May showed 6.12 percent growth overall.
The parish’s larger government bodies saw increases in collections like the Allen Parish School Board #1 and #2 with 9.02 percent increase. The Allen Parish School Board #3, Allen Parish Police Jury (Solid Waste) and Allen Parish Sheriff’s Office, all saw 9.05 percent increases in collections. Oakdale also saw a small increase of .87 percent.
The smaller communities saw decreases in collections. Kinder saw the least with 2.40 percent less in collections. Oberlin saw a decrease of 15.88 percent, and Elizabeth had a 44.41 percent decrease. Reeves saw a 58.19 percent decrease.
The month-to-date collections for 2022 were at $1,506,170.72, and at $1,598,325.12 for 2023. That was an increase of $92,154.40.
The year-to-date collections overall showed a 1.49 percent increase from comparisons of 2022 ($8,097,098.54) and 2023 ($8,217,671.93).
Remember spending locally helps grow collections and helps our government bodies continue their work in growing the parish and communities.