Three new police cars arrived last week in Oberlin for the use of its police department, a project that has went through three mayors, and finally became a reality for the town with Mayor Larry Alexander. His predecessors began the process by putting money aside, and Alexander finished the process.
Police Chief Grady K. Haynes explained the history of waiting for these vehicles that arrived at the right time for his department’s use.
“The Oberlin Police Department has endured a long road in its quest for new patrol vehicles,” Haynes said.
He recalled the last new vehicles purchased for his department were 2010 Dodge Chargers in July of 2010. Officers have maintained vehicles through the years themselves, he said, when possible due to bills not being paid. “There were water pumps, radiators, brake pads and rotors being changed at the office. Officers did whatever was necessary to keep vehicles available for the community.”
Haynes said the department survived because of the “brotherhood of the Thin Blue Line,” which all law enforcement agencies honor. Agencies truly believe in helping other departments. Oberlin received two used Ford Crown Vics in 2016 from Sheriff Tony Mancuso and the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office. They received one Ford Crown Vic from Chief Keith Vincent and the Iowa Police Department in 2016.
This January, the department received a Chevy Tahoe from Chief Sam Alfred and the Fenton Police Department. “The Oberlin Police Department is more than grateful for this brotherhood of the badge that helped them get to this point.”
“I am glad to see this day has arrived for the Town of Oberlin and our police department,” Haynes said. “We have weathered the storm, and these guys deserve good equipment in which to do their jobs. I am especially glad for our citizens of Oberlin that can now see and be proud of how funds are spent. This builds the moral of our officers knowing the funds they generate are finally being used towards the police department. I would like to thank the previous council for voting to start his process that allowed me to order our new fleet in June of 2022. I also would like to thank Mayor Larry Alexander for his efforts in seeing the process completed.”