New leader vote ends in deadlock
OBERLIN – Kevin Tyler, president of the Allen Parish School Board, conducted three paper ballot votes for a new superintendent for the parish, and all three votes ended in a deadlock of four-to-four between two of the candidates.
Candidates are Kenney Courville, the district’s child welfare, attendance and transportation supervisor; Brad Soileau, the district’s instruction and assessment supervisor; and Dwain Ducote, Vernon Parish’s transportation and maintenance director.
Before the vote, the board adopted procedures to elect a superintendent, as per the guidance given to them by their legal representative, according to Tyler. He said to choose a candidate, five of the eight members would have to agree for the same candidate.
Eight members voted and Courville received the votes of District Four’s Pete Cavenah, Five’s Greg Monceaux, Six’s Carolyn Manuel and Seven’s Tyler. District One’s Sally Moreaux, Two’s Cathy Farris, Three’s Karen Reed and Eight’s Carleen Mahaffey voted for Soileau.
After the first vote, Ducote was eliminated.
After the third vote and a 15-minute recess, it was decided to table the matter until a special meeting could be held on Thursday, May 11, at 5 p.m.
Board member Cathy Farris said they would have to discuss other ways to conduct this selection process because continued voting for the two men would likely end in a tie each time. Moreaux suggested using a grading scale based on the application process. Tyler said he would review the process with the board’s legal representative. The board grew to eight members during the last election, due to the jury and board’s consideration to redistrict the parish for better representation after reapportionment. Now the board must have five of the eight votes to make the selection.
Outgoing Superintendent Kent Reed will retire June 30. He made the announcement in March, and the board began a search for a new leader.
Supplement approved
for employees in May
OBERLIN – At last month’s Allen Parish School Board meeting, the board was presented two options for an end-of-the-year salary supplement for its employees. The finance committee met and decided to give degreed personnel $1,600 and support staff $1,200.
Reed said the cost would be approximately $1.2 million to the board and funds would come from excess funds in the general fund, ESSER fund and the sales tax salary enhancement fund.
The board approved three resolutions providing for the salary supplement to be issued to its employees this month.
SOY students
recognized by board
OBERLIN – Recognition of students’ achievements, which reflects on the school board’s work to educate students, is always welcomed at board meetings. At the May meeting, Students of the Year (SOY) and the Oakdale High School Girls Basketball Team Division IV Non-Select State Champions were recognized.
Fifth, eighth and 12th grade Students of the Year from each campus in Allen Parish were introduced to the board. Then the parish winners were recognized. Some of the students have won at other levels beyond the parish competition.
Marla Sanders, district SOY coordinator, led the SOY program, and Superintendent Kent Reed made the presentations.
Fifth grade representatives included:
•Elizabeth High – Connor Jackson Butts
•Fairview High – Josie Sinclair Williams
•Kinder Middle – Camilla Scott Hill
•Oakdale Middle – Jenna Christine Carlisle
•Oberlin Elementary – Kulyn Brooks Manuel
•Reeves High – Brylee Ann Broussard
The eighth grade representatives included:
•Elizabeth High – Pamela Fay Thompson
•Fairview High – Carlee Marie Pitre
•Kinder Middle- Megan Elizabeth Gafford
•Oakdale Middle – Maddox Jim Thompson
•Oberlin High- Devante Isaiah Simmons
•Reeves High School- Sophie Lynn Bruchhaus
The 12th grade representatives included:
•Elizabeth High – Kinley Faith Wright
•Fairview High- Claire Elise Landry
•Kinder High – Hadley Ann Lemons
•Oakdale High – Abigail Victoria Leigh Serna
•Oberlin High – Kathryn Anne Marie Witherington
•Reeves High- Kyndal Lyn Gill
One SOY from each grade was chosen to represent the parish at the district level. From the district level, it went to the zone level. Reed said fifth graders competed in Jeff Davis. Cameron Parish hosted the eighth grade competition, and Allen hosted the 12th grade competition.
The parish presented its winner with a plaque and $50 check. Josie Sinclair Williams, daughter of Cody and Amy Williams, was the fifth grade winner. In her portfolio, she wrote about life lessons from her dog – enjoy life as it happens.
The eighth grade winner was Carlee Marie Pitre, daughter of Michael and Courtney Pitre. She said, “She is still learning and growing and with the help and support of God, family and friends, she can overcome any and all obstacles life decides to throw at her.”
The 12th grade winner is Abigail Victoria Leigh Serna, granddaughter of Vera Chamberlain. She likes to volunteer and plans to pursue a career in biology to become a veteran at Louisiana State University.
Oakdale Coach Renotta Edwards introduced her girls basketball team to the board. The team is state champion. She thanked everyone for their support and said these girls were hard workers. She is proud of everything they have achieved this year.
In other business, the board:
•Learned the summer reading program will begin June 6, in Kinder, June 7, in Oakdale and June 8, in Oberlin, throughout June and July on Tuesdays. There will be information posted on the Allen Parish Library’s website about this program and others for tweens, teens and adults throughout the summer.
•Approved the minutes of its April 17, and May 1, meetings.
•Approved paying Kolder, Slaven and Company LLC $37,000 for its annual audit; $11,500 for its single audit; $9,5000 addendum for agreed-upon procedures; $13,000 for additional statewide agreed-upon procedures.
•Approved an-out-of-state trip for administrators to attend the Model Schools Conference in Orlando, Florida, June 25-28, funded by Title II.
•Revised Policy GBRJ referring to substitutes, who are degreed, and work for consecutive 15 days. After the 15th day, the substitute will be paid a first-year teacher’s salary for substituting.
•Heard from Kim Rider, CTE coordinator, who demonstrated an app for teachers that will allow them to learn about upcoming in-service meetings, register for the class and learn what stipened they will be paid to attend. She said the app was designed by Oberlin High’s Anthony Soileau.
The board also authorized the superintendent:
•To advertise for a CTE supervisor, which is part of the supervisor’s staff.
•To advertise for an official journal.