The Allen Parish School Board began its meeting by recognizing the success of its first NCCER Electrical Level I program, as well as discussing projects underway and a possible surplus for employees at the end of the school year.
Members of the first NCCER Electrical Level I class, taught by Jerry Courville after hours, were recognized. There were 18 students from Kinder High, Oakdale High and Fairview High in the program this year who attended class on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Kim Rider, CTE and Technology coordinator, was joined by Courville in congratulating the class.
“I’m so proud tonight,” Rider said as she explained sometimes new programs don’t do well. She pointed out one student would not have graduated this year if it wasn’t for this program, and now that student was ready for a job.
The board learned those completing the Level I certification could go to work at $20 an hour; a Level II completion could earn $22 per hour; etc, once the students turned 18 years old. They also recognized several students who competed against other students at the state and national levels.
In his comments to the board, Superintendent Kent Reed recognized Kinder Elementary’s principal, Jennifer Doucet, who is now a semifinalist for the honors of Principal of the Year. (The state has recognized 24 teachers and 24 principals in Teacher and Principal of the Year categories as semifinalists. All of them will be honored at the 17th Annual Cecil J. Picard Educator Excellence Awards Gala, which will be held at the National World War II Museum in New Orleans on July 22.)
A video Doucet made for the contest was shown to the board to illustrate what a great job she does and how special her message is. Doucet advised a first year principal they may consider running away, because they will probably have hiccups, etc., but if they can unite their staff and team, then a “team united can’t be stopped.” She also said never give up and never stop growing, so it was important to RUN – reflect, unite and never give up and never stop growing.
Reed told board members they had a copy of the testing schedule. He also said letters of intent for teachers returning next year were returned before spring break, and they would begin working on staffing for next year. Ladeshia George, supervisor of curriculum and instructional support, said the district had reapplied for Rapides funding to continue working with NIET (National Institute for Excellence in Teaching).
Marla Sanders, instructional supervisor (K-4), discussed CKLA (Core Knowledge Language Arts®) and the success elementary teachers across the parish are having. She showed some examples of students’ handwriting that had CKLA and some who didn’t. She also gave comments from some of the educators using CKLA. Those comments including the program supports itself, easy to follow, support reading skills and one educator said she couldn’t get over the growth of her students this year.
Jaimie Fontenot, Title 1 coordinator, discussed the changes in how history and civics will be taught to students and at what grade levels. She said they are working on support materials in case textbooks are not available at the start of the school year.
April Fruge, supervisor of school food service, said they are planning a healthy living walk at Oberlin high School on May 13, from 10 a.m. to noon. There will be booths to share information with families. Information will be put on the board’s website. They also will conduct a raffle to raise monies to send employees to summer trainings.
Stacy Weldon announced the state department would be filming Allen Parish to spotlight its literacy program and feature it at the state’s conference in New Orleans this summer. She also announced Malcolm Mitchell would return May 17, and 18, to read to students at Oberlin Elementary, pre-K to fifth grade, and fifth graders from Oakdale Elementary. all students will receive a book.
Kenney Courville, supervisor of CW&A, transportation and special services, discussed applying for a grant to help the parish continue implementing safety protocols at schools across the parish. From looking at the way schools were built to entrances to the campus, he said they were finding ways to keep students safe. They also were utilizing fencing, metal detectors and training for their staff.
Reed reported Public Service Commissioner Mike Francis approved $422,000 to replace lighting at Oakdale Middle with LED lighting and $277,000 at Elizabeth High for the same project. “This will be done at no cost to the Allen Parish School Board,” he said.
Reed asked the board to consider two options to give supplements to employees in May. The first would be $1,000 for all employees while the second one would give $1,000 to degreed personnel and $750 to support staff. All of this would depend on finances, and the board will probably consider these two options at the May 8, board meeting. Reed hopes to discuss the possibilities with the finance committee at its next meeting. If this is approved, checks would be issued by May 19, before the end of the school year. Money would come from the ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund) and the board’s sales tax fund.
Reed gave an update on school construction projects including the roof being repaired at Kinder Elementary, roof work at Kinder High, roof work on the Oakdale High School gym, renovations to the Oakdale Ag Shop and extensive work to the cafeteria hood at Oakdale High School. The Oakdale High auditorium will see some repairs and upgrades along with Elizabeth High’s auditorium and cafeteria. Windows at Oakdale Middle will be repaired along with A.C. units at Oakdale High.
In other business, the board:
•Approved out-of-state trips for cheerleaders from Kinder High, Oakdale High and Elizabeth High to travel to Destin Florida in June for the SCA Cheer Summer Camp.
•Approved out-of-state trip to the National Beta Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, in June for students at Kinder Middle and Elizabeth High.
•Added and approved the item to allow the superintendent to advertise for a principal at Elizabeth High School.
•Authorized the superintendent to advertise for bids for milk, break, small-wares, cleaning supplies, equipment and food for the 2023-2024 school year.
•Approved minutes of its March 13, meeting and payment of its bills.