Senior citizens will once again meet for a monthly luncheon beginning Thursday, October 20, according to Bob Rougeau, who is organizing the event.
Each month, senior citizens will be invited to the Kinder Community Center to enjoy lunch, bingo and door prizes.
“Doors will open at 9 a.m.,” Rougeau said. “Lunch will be at 11 a.m. with bingo to follow.”
He said persons, 55 and older, are invited to attend. He said no meals will be delivered.
“We going to start small and grow,” Rougeau said.
He has been busy reorganizing the event by gathering volunteers, a cook, sponsors, etc.
“We’re always accepting donations,” he said.
Rougeau said if persons want to help, they can donate items like plates, cups, paper towels, coffee, sugar, juice, tea and water. If someone wants to donate toward the senior luncheon, please call him at 337-853-3305.