Adjudicated properties for sale in Oakdale, LA
The City of Oakdale has the following adjudicated properties for sale. In order to place a bid, you must make a payment of $75.00 in the form of a money order or cashier’s check. Placing multiple bids does require $75.00 for each bid. If you do not win the bid, you will be refunded the $75.00 payment. You must place the bid in a sealed envelope and drop it off at City Hall to Alison Doyle or Jacinda Clark. All bids are to be turned in by noon on October 3, 2024. The bids will remain sealed until our October City Council meeting and will be opened during the meeting.
Parcel Number 0540149640 Erwin Street – Min. bid $ 3,000
Parcel Number 0540256861 West 7th Avenue – Min. bid $ 2,500
Parcel Number 0540085600 Corner of Locke and Travis Street -Min. bid $ 5,000
Parcel Number 0540015620 Toni Circle -Min. bid $ 10,000
Parcel Number 0540244583 Mill Street – Min. bid $ 5,000
Parcel Number 0540077210 Mill Street -Min. bid $ 5,000
Parcel Number 0540249150 lot on corner of N 12th St and E 10th Ave – Min. bid $ 5,000
Parcel Number 0540077231 Forest Drive – Min. bid $ 8,000
Parcel Number 0540173600 Corner of Gum and N 9th Street – Min. bid $ 2,500
(PUBLISH: SEPTEMBER 12, 19 & 26, 2024)1T
Village of Elizabeth
Public Council meeting was held 9/9/24 at 6:30pm at the Elizabeth Village Hall, 230 Poplar Street, Elizabeth, LA. The notice of Meeting having been duly posted in accordance with requirements, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Mandy Green at 6:30pm. Opening prayer led by Mr. Ken Kelly, then Pledge of Allegiance and roll call by Mayor Green.
Mayor, Council and Staff Present: Mandy Green, Mayor; Ken Kelly, Council; Stacy Weldon, Council; Mea Dillehay, Council; Denise lee, Clerk; Crystal Hunt, Code Compliance; Lorrie Odom, Fire Dept Treas.
Council and Staff Absent: Heather Sutton, Attorney; Brandon Sweat, Fire Chief; Shane Ware, Police Chief; Steven Self, Asst Fire Chief
2. Mr. Dewith Carrier, LA State Representative, District 32, was present to issue the Village a check for $40,000 for Capital Outlay which will be used to replace the blue sign at the caution lights at Hwy 10 and Hwy 112. He also presented to Evan Earl, for the Recreation Board, a check for $30,000 for maintenance to the Elizabeth Pool.
3. Ken Kelly made a motion to approve minutes from 8/12/24 meeting. Mea Dillehay seconded. All in favor.
4. Stacy Weldon made a motion to approve the agenda. Ken Kelly seconded. All in favor.
A. Mayor Green gave updates on the sewer grant and the water well projects. Also presented pictures of the progress of the sewer plant.
A. 517 Pine Street, Parcel No. 0550006540- certified notice returned. Ken Kelly made a motion to proceed forth with village employees cleaning the property and sending owner an invoice for work performed. Stacy Weldon seconded. All in favor.
B. 511 Pine Street, Parcel No. 0550000707- certified notice returned. Ken Kelly made a motion not to proceed forth with village employees cleaning the property due to Jeff Welch, present at the meeting, stated he would maintain the property. Mea Dillehay seconded. All in favor.
C. 207 Poplar Street, Parcel No. 0550005200- certified notice returned. Mea Dillehay made a motion to proceed forth with village employees cleaning the property and sending owner an invoice for work performed. Stacy Weldon seconded. All in favor.
D. Crystal Hunt stated that the Elizabeth Telephone company building had been cleaned and freshly painted and also she was notified that they would be doing further repairs.
A. No Monthly report.
B. In reference to Chief recommendation to hire Zack LaCaze as part time officer- the Mayor provisionally appointed Zack LaCaze as a part time officer for the Village until this council meeting. Ken Kelly made a motion to hire Zack LaCaze for a probation period of 30 days until the October 14, 2024 meeting. Zack LaCaze was present. Stacy Weldon seconded. Ken Kelly-yea, Stacy Weldon-yea, Mea Dillehay-yea
C. In reference to Chief recommendation to hire Jeff Welch as the village dogcatcher, Ken Kelly made a motion to table until next meeting. Stacy Weldon seconded. Ken Kelly-yea, Stacy Weldon-yea, Mea Dillehay-yea
D. Ken Kelly made a motion to table discussion of lease of a new Tahoe for police department until next meeting. Mea Dillehay seconded. Ken Kelly-yea, Stacy Weldon-yea, Mea Dillehay-yea
A. Monthly report given by Lorrie Odom.
B. Ken Kelly made a motion for the addition to Fire Department Standard Operating Procedures of a Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Prevention Policy due to Juniors on the Fire Department. Stacy Weldon seconded. All in favor.
C. Mrs. Lorrie Odom stated that the fire department would be selling tickets for Pork Steak lunch plates to raise money for a Sparky the Fire Dog costume to use at different events. The lunch will be October 27, 2024.
*Old Business
A. None
*New Business
B. Mayor Green noted that Trick or Treating will be held on Halloween, October 31, 2024 from 5:30pm – 7:30pm. A movie will be held in the Community Center beginning at 6:00pm.
C. Mayor Green made a recommendation to abolish Ordinance 44-2023A Enforcement of Certain Traffic Violations by Automated Means and Providing for Civil Penalties for Certain Traffic Violations due to state laws have changed on this subject and will have to further be in compliance with these laws prior to proceeding further with this ordinance.
A. Ken Kelly introduced a Notice of Intent to abolish Ordinance 44-2023A which provides for the Enforcement of Certain Traffic Violations by Automated Means and provides for civil penalties for certain traffic violations enforced by automated means, and otherwise providing with respect thereto. Public hearing to be held prior to abolishment at meeting on October 14, 2024.
B. Stacy Weldon made a motion to abolish Resolution 123-2024 which stated for council to agree to hire an adjudication officer for Police Department concerning Automation Means (Electronic Photo Speed Enforcement). Mea Dillehay seconded. All in favor.
C. Mea Dillehay introduced an amendment to Ordinance 12·18A Section 4.F. Property Maintenance to amend prescription period from ten years to three years. Ordinance to become 12-18B.
A. None
12. Mea Dillehay made a motion for Council to approve expenses for August 2024 and comparison of actual expenses to budget. Stacy Weldon seconded. All in favor.
13. Mea Dillehay made a motion to adjourn. Ken Kelly seconded. All in favor.
Approved by:
/S/Mandy L Green, Mayor
Attest by:
/S/Denise lee, LCM Clerk
*Public hearing to be held October 14, 2024 at 6:30pm at Village Hall, 230 Poplar Street prior to abolishment of Ordinance 44-2023A Enforcement of Certain Traffic Violations by Automated Means.
*Public hearing to be held October 14, 2024 at 6:30pm at Village Hall, 230 Poplar Street prior to amendment of Ordinance 12-18A Section 4.F. to change prescription period to three years, to become Ordinance 12-188.
September 9, 2024
The regular meeting of the NW Allen Parish Waterworks District was called to order at 6.00pm, on Monday, September 9, 2024, at the Water District Office by Charles Morrow. A prayer was given by Charles Morrow. The Pledge of Allegiance was repeated.
Board Members Present: Carolyn Deshotels, Charles Morrow, Shirley Stanton, Operators: Dustin Kisting, Adam Johnson, and Office Manager: Penny Johnson
Board Member Absent: Josh Thompson, Joy Williams
Operator’s Report: Dustin Kisting informed the Board of the hours of manpower, parts, and water losses occurring since the contractors have been putting down fiber optic lines in the Mittie area. He said the broken or missing trace wires on our water lines are frustrating his attempts to locate water lines. He said that 11 contractors are working right now in the area. He explained that the costs associated with this, is considerable.
He explained that we are getting a $2,500 valve that is in the Whiskey Chitto Bore Project. He also plans on using the other $2,500 valve that will be dug up. He will place each valve on each side of Whisky Chitto, up high enough to not flood.
He said that the motor is in for the booster pump, but he hadn’t had time to schedule having it, and the booster pump put back in place at the Fairview well site.
He explained that the chlorinator at the North Tower had a problem, so he had to take the North Tower off line. He said that Southern Chlorinators came today and replaced a check valve that had broken off. He then put the North Tower back online.
He said that the truck was repaired and is driving smoothly.
He also stated that the backhoe needs new seals. He has called the bobcat company in Alexandria.
New Business: Penny Johnson asked the Board to approve Adam Johnson to attend classes and take the 3 Class 2 tests, the week of October 14-18, 2024 in Alexandria, LA. Shirley Stanton made a motion to send Adam to the classes and take the tests. Carolyn Deshotels 2nd. All agreed.
Old Business: Penny Johnson read an email from Glenn Turner, Meyers, Meyers, Lecroix, and Hixson. He was unable to attend tonight’s meeting. He wrote an update on the Filter’s Project. He gave a list of the 3 companies that expressed an interest in the bidding. He wrote that the bids will be opened on September 19, 2024.
Office Manager Report: There were 587 active customers during the month of August.
Three claims were made to Servline Leak Insurance during the month of August. All were approved.
The August, 2024, ending bank balance for the Operating Account was $21,235.70.
Two customers were discussed.
Charles Morrow made the motion to adjourn. Carolyn Deshotels seconded. All agreed.
The next scheduled meeting will be held at 6:00 pm on October 14, 2024.
Joy Williams, President
Attest by:
/s/ Penny M. Johnson
Office Manager
LOUISIANA HEARING IMPAIRED RELAY SYSTEM: The City of Oakdale participates in the Louisiana Hearing Impaired Relay System. The Numbers are: 800-333-0605 for Information, 800-846-5277 for TDD Users and 800-947-5277 for Voice Users.
FAIR HOUSING ACT: The City of Oakdale supports the Fair Housing Act. The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing because of race or color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians: pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18), and handicap. Mayor Gene Paul has been designated to coordinate efforts to comply with the Fair Housing Act, which is described above. Any questions, complaints or additional information regarding Fair Housing services should be addressed to Mayor Gene Paul, Fair Housing Coordinator.
SECTION 504 COMPLIANCE: The City of Oakdale does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, or in admission or access to or treatment or employment in its programs and activities. Mayor Gene Paul has been designated to coordinate efforts to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Any questions or complaints regarding Handicap discrimination should be addressed to Mayor Gene Paul, Section 504 Coordinator. Information on handicap services may be obtained from the City Hall.
The City of Oakdale, as an employer of 15 or more persons does not discriminate against participants, beneficiaries, applicants, employees or unions or organizations with whom they have collective bargaining agreements, in admission or access to or treatment or employment treatment or employment in its federally assisted programs or activities. Any questions or complaints regarding participants, beneficiaries, applicants, employees or unions or organizations should be addressed to Mayor Gene Paul, Section 504 Coordinator.
Gene Paul, Mayor
City of Oakdale
P.O. Box 728
Oakdale, LA 71463
Phone: (318) 335-3629
Hearing Impaired: 800-947-5277 (Voice Relay) or 800-846-5277 (TDD Relay)
The Allen Parish School Board is seeking person(s) to fill the following position(s):
Parish-Wide Transportation Maintenance Worker
QUALIFICATIONS: High School Diploma, GED or HiSet; Meet requirements in Bulletins 119 and 1475 State of Louisiana School Transportation Handbooks; Proven driving ability and experience; Possess a valid Commercial Driver’s License, Class B with P and S endorsements; Certified to serve as a school bus operator; Possess average to superior mechanical and electrical knowledge of small and large vehicles; Such alternatives to the preceding qualifications as the Superintendent may find appropriate and acceptable.
Terms of Employment: 12 month
Salary: Allen Parish School Board Salary Schedule
Application Deadline: October 1, 2024
Special Requirements: Certification in CPR and First Aid within 30 days of hire.
Applications must be submitted through the following website:
Additional job requirements
and responsibilities are listed
on the above website.
(Publish: SEPTEMBER 19 & 26, 2024)2T