The Allen Parish School Board introduced six tax renewals to the audience, heard from their superintendent and superintendent-elect and did housekeeping at Monday night’s meeting.
The board introduced millage renewals they will address at the September meeting to consider when to place them on the ballot for renewal.
The first ad valorem tax was for Oberlin (District Ward One); the second for Kinder (School District No. 25); the third for Oakdale (District No. Five); the fourth for Fairview (District No. 4-A); the fifth for Reeves (District No. 3) and the last one for an ad valorem for the parish.
In his last address to the board, outgoing Superintendent Kent Reed gave the board updated information on the start of school and construction projects completed and underway in the district.
Reed reported all pavilions at ObHS (Oberlin), KES (Kinder Elementary), KHS (Kinder High) and RHS (Reeves) are now completed giving every school in the parish at least one covered pavilion. He added the sink holes at OkMS (Oakdale Middle) and KES have been repaired. The painting project at OBES is completed and some repairs are being made around the Ag Shop in Oakdale. The cafeteria and multi-purpose room at EHS (Elizabeth High) is completed.
“It looks fantastic,” Reed said.
Other projects completed included:
•LED lighting at EHS and OkMS.
•Re-painting of OHS walk-way on the south end.
•OkHS Ag shop is getting a face lift inside and outside.
•Asphalt parking is being poured in front of KHS Ag Shop.
•OHS gym’s dressing room’s roof has been replaced and the air conditions have been relocated on a concrete slab on the ground.
•The cafeteria hood is being replaced and will not be completed until the Thanksgiving or Christmas holidays.
•An architect is drawing plans to replace the flat roofs at ObHS and OkHS gym. The roofs will look similar to the one done in Kinder. As specs are drawn, the board will have to decided to make repairs and seek bids in the future.
Reed advised the board the AC system at OkHS would need major attention soon.
“I do want to thank Mr. (Kenney) Courville and Eric Cole for staying on top of the Summer Project List. We have completed or will be completing (these projects),” Reed said.
Superintendent-elect Brad Soileau thanked Reed for assisting. He said the first days of school have been great. He introduced the board to some new personnel and new assignments. He welcomed Dodie Gilley as EHS’ new assistant principal. He welcomed the return of Tammie Ritchie to accounting. Jamie Fontenot will be the new secondary supervisor, and Stephanie Perry will handle personnel.
The board approved a couple of trips. The first was for the OkHS Mock Trial Team to attend the Empire Classic Windy City Challenge Competition in Chicago, Illinois, from September 22, to 24. Then, they added an item to the agenda to allow the forestry team at EHS to travel to Bogue Chitto State Park, Louisiana, on September 7, and September 8, for a competition.
The board adopted new and revised policies for the following:
•IDCJ – continuous learning (new policy)
•BCBI – public participation in school board meetings
•BCAD – teleconference/remote participation in school board meetings
•JGCD – administration of medication
•JBD – student absences and excuses
•JB – attendance
•ECDB – carpool an bus line safety
•EBBB – school and student safety
•JDA – corporal punishment
In other business, the board:
•Approved July 10, minutes.
•Approved paying the bills.
•Approved Soileau’s superintendent contract for three years.
•Authorized a resolution giving Soileau authority to sign all bank accounts.
•Adopted a resolution for Soileau to sign servitude agreements with Cleco.
•Approved the Pupil Progression Plan for 2023-24 school year.
•Approved changing insurance companies from Brown and Brown of Louisiana to Alliant Insurance Services.