Reese Willis was crowned the 62nd Miss Oakdale by outgoing Miss Oakdale 2022 Kaydin “Kay Kay” Strother at Saturday’s pageant. Hosted by the Oakdale BPW (Business Professional Women) organization, the event was held at the Oakdale High School.
2023 Miss Oakdale Resse Willis’ court, named at the contest, included first place runner-up, Rianna Williams, and second place runner-up, Cynthia Jackson.
As she prepared to relinquish the title, Strother commented on her own reign as Miss Oakdale. “Your dream doesn’t have an expiration date, take a deep breath and try again.” She also recited Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, declare the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
She said her reign “was an amazing experience. I learned a lot of new things about myself and others. It’s something I will never forget. I attended many different ribbon cuttings in my hometown as well as the Allen Parish Fair and the Watermelon Festival.”
Her days as a queen were wonderful because she was able to meet new people. She continued to explain it took her out of her comfort zone, and she ended up doing things, “I’ve never done before.”
“Wearing my crown impacted my perspective on queens. It’s not just wearing a crown it’s so much more. We are leaders – kids look up to us. We should do everything with a good heart and love.”
Strother said, “To my successor enjoy every moment. It will fly by fast. Meet as many people as possible and represent your town well.”
Strother, the daughter of Ashley Strother and Bee Richard, is also graduating this year from Oakdale High School. Her future plans are to attend McNeese State University where she will major in radiology.