It’s been a few months since the parish saw a tax collection report painted with more “black” numbers than “red” ones. Collections have been down for months, and March showed an increase especially when comparing what was collected in March 2022 to March 2023. The year-to-date collections did have a few lines of “red.”
The bigger parish accounts showed almost a 50 percent increase in collections when comparing March 2022 to 2023. The funds for School Board 1 and 2 ($485,569.31 to $724,600.14), School Board 3 ($242,735.82 to $362,297.04), Police Jury ($169,915.51 to $253,608.69) and Sheriff’s office ($242,735.78 to $363,297.04) all had an increase of 49.23 percent.
The communities of Kinder ($48,052.10 to $64,068.76), Oberlin ($14,916.72 to $20,242.02), Elizabeth ($8,574.32 to $10,860.55), Oakdale ($113,309.06 to $144,914.95) and Reeves ($3,180.10 to $3,870.80) also saw increased collections.
The parish, as a whole, collected $1,357,922.72 last year compared to $1,984534.14 for a 21.72 percent increase in collections. The red came in the year-to-date totals that indicates, as a whole, the parish saw a 3.92 percent increase – $4,819,705.19 to $5,008,478.64. Individually, it was the communities that saw decreases in collection comparisons.