Parish Assessor Richard Earl presented the 2022 tax assessment review. He noted the taxable value for all Allen Parish property for 2022 was $130,656,191, and the homestead value was $30,155,889, for a total of $160,772,080. This is a big increase from the 2021 value of $155,101,950. Earl also stated the real estate total showed a significant parish-wide increase, going from $74,954,220 in 2021 to $77,811,550 in 2022.
Parish Engineer Jacob Dillehay discussed IMCAL (Imperial Calcasieu Regional Planning and Development) dues. He noted the jury currently does not pay dues, however IMCAL is now under a new director and Dillehay recommended the jury begin to pay the $860 per month dues as the parish sits on the board. Dillehay stated the funds would come out of the indigent fund and would be more of a reinvestment of funds and not a burden on tax payers. The jury agreed to the recommendation.
Dillehay also addressed the lease of the boat ramp between the jury and the Kinder Canal Company. He noted the lease has been in place for years at the rate of $1 per year. Dillehay stated the new renewal would be $500 per year for the next five years, which would alleviate any liability issues. He added that while the Kinder Canal Company was not interested in selling the property at the moment, eventually the jury would be able to purchase the property.
Under the finance committee, the jury approved a payment of $1,999 to Kenjabruch for the purchase of a gearbox for the bush hog in District 5, as well as a payment of $5,603.26 to The Floor Trader for the changing of the carpet in the electrical room and two offices at the Savoy Clinic building.
Under the road committee, the jury approved several joint service agreements, including:
•An agreement with the City of Oakdale for grass cutting, pothole patching and trash pick up for the month of September.
•An agreement with the Allen Parish School Board to help with the maintenance of a shared parking lot in front of Oberlin Elementary School. The school board requested to split the cost of repairing the parking lot, which is used for staff parking.
•An agreement with the Allen Parish School Board for manpower, material and equipment to repair several bus turn around locations throughout the parish.
In other business, the jury:
•Approved the minutes of the August 1, and August 16, meetings.
•Adopted an ordinance to abandon the last 160 feet of Nevils Bluff Road.
•Adopted an ordinance to submit an application for funding for the fiscal year 2023 LCDBG program. Dillehay noted up to $800,000 per project was available for the use of road projects in low to moderate income areas throughout the parish. The targeted areas could apply for state-approved projects. The funds could serve up to 1,000 low-income homes in the parish.
•Approved a special event permit for the Festival Fete du Void to be held at the Hardwood Mill Restaurant in Oakdale from September 29-October 2.
•Approved the resignation of Nancy Beeson from the Recreation District 3 Board and appointed Landi Greene to complete Beeson’s term.
•Approved a resolution authorizing the Northwest Allen Water System to pay its board members within the state allowed range.
•Agreed to declare 14 joints of 4’x36” concrete culvert pipes as surplus and advertise for bids.
•Heard reports on inmate housing and the airport.