Vance Beaver appeared in the office recently to share some old pictures his friend, Gary Courville of Kinder, had in his possession.
Several scenes were brought to the office including the one above that depicts horse racing at the Oberlin Downs track.
Beaver was excited to discuss the locations shown in some of the other pictures he brought to the office including one from the early 1900s. (See inside.) He also discussed some of the locations readers may remember as the course of history occurred in the area.
Beaver believes the downtown area where the old Klumpp Chevrolet and old John Deere locations once existed could have existed where the older shot of downtown Kinder illustrates in the photo. He said it was south of the present location of downtown Kinder from what the photos show.
The railroad photo shows the crossroads of tracks running north and south and east and west.
Have fun with the memories.