The new Allen Parish royalty will be crowned in a pageant set for August 27, at 7 p.m. at the Allen Parish Civic Center, according to Equilla Victorian, pageant director and member of the Allen Parish Fair Board.
Two lovely girls, who have represented the parish and festival board this year will be giving up their titles – Miss Allen Parish Peyton Warren and Jr. Miss Allen Parish Maurie Grace Dickey.
Warren took her title during the pandemic last September. A 2001 graduate of Oberlin High, she is the daughter of Nicole and Jake Warren.
As she recalls her final days as the parish’s queen, she said, “Becoming Miss Allen Parish has been such an honor. I am glad to say that I had the opportunity to be represented by an amazing parish/community. I have learned how to carry myself with my head held high while holding an example to those younger than me. It is truly a blessing to be surrounded with such an outstanding board team, as well as a Jr. Miss Queen. Not only did I get to wear a beautiful crown, but I was able to meet many people as well as learn much more about where we live.”
In closing, she said, “This year has been an awesome experience! I now invite you to watch the crowning of our new Allen Parish Queen on Saturday, August 27th at 7 p.m.
“Almost 365 days of living a dream. There are not enough words to truly explain the gratitude that I have for Allen Parish and the Allen Parish Fair Association. I am your 2021 Jr. Miss Allen Parish, Maurie Grace Dickey, who proudly represents her community and fair in Allen Parish. We are home to Coushatta, the largest land based casino in Louisiana, and the best creek to canoe and fish in, The Whisky Chitto (Ouiska Chitto), but those are just a few of the many great things that in my reign, I was blessed to represent. We are truly blessed in Allen Parish with the best outdoor living in the state of Louisiana.”
Dickey said, “It’s not everyday that you are chosen to represent your community, to spend a whole year going to all of Allen Parish’s events, and being the queen of a fair, visiting pageants and festivals across Louisiana, all while having a crown on your head.
“A queen is more than just a crown! Just because she wears a crown, people see it as just a ‘queen.’ Yet, there is more to that story. We all have our own identities, goals in life and are chosen to be role models. We have busy lives, yet we do what we love most, representing our wonderful people all across the state.
“The crown is not what makes us special. We were given our title to be an impact and influence to others. Yet, most importantly to represent our fair and parish. Louisiana is known for being the state of travel, ‘Feed your Soul.’ And Louisiana has so many queens that represent their parishes and festivals as being Capitals of the world.
“The girls I’ve met, those that have turned into some of my best friends, the memories I’ve made and the never ending laughs and good times will have a forever special place in my heart!
“Though I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to let go of this dream for it is truly an experience like no other, and I couldn’t be happier to pass on this experience to one of the beautiful ladies competing. So come on down to the Miss Allen Parish Pageant, on Saturday, to see who will be my successor and gain the blessing of being your 2022 Jr. Miss Allen Parish.
“I am and will forever be your 2021 Jr. Miss Allen Parish, Maurie Grace Dickey!”
She is the daughter of Sidney and Sharon Dickey of Oakdale.