The Village of Reeves will be celebrating its annual Christmas in the Park in conjunction with the fire department’s Community Gumbo on Friday, December 3, at 5 p.m. at the Recreation Center. The council did the same thing last year due to the damage at the park from the hurricane. It still has not been repaired. More information will follow as the event nears.
The council approved the Drainage Easement Resolution, which was first discussed in October, in conjunction with the new Family Dollar construction project which required a right-of-way for drainage purposes. At the October meeting, the council requested a certified legal description of the area before granting permission for a ditch to run toward Highway 190 for drainage.
Also, letters will be sent in the next week or two to property owners, who have abandoned property or property that needs to be cleaned.
The council learned the application was submitted on time for the state’s capital improvement grant. The council learned if the village receives the funding it will be used for its proposed new city hall and police department. The structure is proposed to be built on the village’s five acres in Reeves near the office of the water district.
In old business, the mayor received one bid for the removal of trees near the village’s welcome sign. (The village followed the contract limits set by the state’s Public Bid Law (R.S. 38:2211), and therefore stated a second bid was not necessary. See to learn more about the law.)
The village has begin the process to sell surplus property at 315 Clark Avenue. On November 9, the property is scheduled to be appraised to complete the next stage in the process. Then it will go through the bid process and eventually sold.
Chief Waylin Bertrand asked the council to name Officer James Witherington as assistant chief. Also, Officer Jason Reeves will start the patrol rotation in Reeves, and the village is looking for a full-time night officer.
There were no public comments. The council approved its minutes from October and its financial reports.
Not present was Councilman Glen Durchame and Chad Guidry, city attorney.