The Town of Basile hosted Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser for a special luncheon at Town Hall on Saturday, October 23, to celebrate his selection as king of the 2021 La. Swine Festival.
Attending the gathering along with Nungesser’s entourage were Senator Heather Cloud, Representative Philip Devillier, Evangeline Parish Sheriff Charles Guillory, La. Swine Festival President Madeline James-Battle, Swine Festival Queen Alaina Denette and Pastor Mike Fontenot and his wife Jessica of First Baptist Church, Father Keenan Brown of St. Augustine Catholic Church, Jude Burton with Rhea’s Specialty Meats, Earl Toups with Toups Crawfish, Representative Dewitt Carrier, Evangeline Parish Tourism Coordinator Elizabeth West, former Basile Councilwoman Jessica Denette, Gwen Fontenot and Connie Lamke of the Evangeline Chamber of Commerce and Police Juror Lelia Thrasher.
Town Hall employees Heather Putnam-Lantz, Page Bertrand and Brandon Moreau decorated the Town Hall for the occasion and served as hosts along with Mayor Mark Denette.
Financial sponsors and gift basket donors included Toups Crawfish, Rhea’s Meats, C4 Cajun Seasonings, Mike and Helena Putnam, Coach Kevin Bertrand and the Bearcat Football Team.
In addition, Brandon Moreau created a beautiful one-of-kind key to the town to present to the Nungesser. He especially liked the Basile gift basket and a copy of a recent edition of The Basile Weekly with his picture on the front page.
Moreau on fiddle and Town Attorney Dave Johnson on accordion entertained those gathered with some good ole Cajun music.
Following the luncheon, Nungesser visited the Nathan Abshire Museum and then attended the La. Swine Festival Queens’ Pageant where he was crowned king.