Area pageants for the titles of Miss and Junior Miss will be held Saturday, July 31, in the Kinder and Oakdale communities.
Kinder will crown its Miss and Jr. Miss Kinder Saturday, July 31, at Kinder High. These titles are given to girls who are attending high school at Kinder High this year.
The competition will include Sunday Best attire and interviews.
For more information, call Kristen at 337-936-7656
The Miss and Junior Miss Oberlin pageants were held Sunday, June 6, in the auditorium at Oberlin Elementary. Both of those candidates had to be residents of Oberlin or students at Oberlin High School.
The title of 2021 Miss Oberlin went to Peyton Warren. The 2021 Junior Miss Oberlin was given to Madisyn Montou.
The public is invited to the Oakdale pageants on Saturday, July 31, which will be held in the Oakdale High School’s auditorium.
Competitions begin at 10 a.m. with the titles of Baby Miss (0-11 months), Toddler Miss (12-23 months), Tiny Miss (2-3 years in age), Petite Miss (4-6 years in age) and Little Miss (7-9 years in age) to be awarded to winners. These competitions are open to the public.
Doors will open at 8 a.m. and late registration for these pageants will be held from 9 to 9:45 a.m., according to Kalee Stanley, director of the Oakdale pageants. Entry fees are $5 per entry.
The competitions for the Miss Oakdale title, along with Jr. Miss and Deb Miss titles, will begin in the auditorium at 5 p.m. Registration has ended for those pageants.
The Miss title is given to a junior or senior for the upcoming year at Oakdale High. The Jr. Miss title is given to a freshman or sophomore student at Oakdale High. Deb Miss, which is also closed, is open to all girls residing in Allen Parish. This year, Stanley said there were no candidates qualified for the city’s Teen Miss title.
Winners and first runners-up in the Miss and Jr. Miss categories will be eligible to compete in the Miss Allen Parish pageant, scheduled for Saturday, August 28, in Oberlin.
Stanley said after the morning titles are awarded, the auditorium will be closed to the public, so interviews can begin at 1 p.m. The public will not be allowed to stay for this part of the competition.
The auditorium will reopen at 4 p.m. for the Miss, Jr. Miss and Deb Miss pageants which begin at 5 p.m.
The pageants are sponsored by the Oakdale (BPW) Business of Professional Women and Oakdale High School.
Saturday evening, the reigning Miss Oakdale Jadyn Maloney will relinquish her title.
Maloney is the daughter of Amy and Jay Maloney of Oakdale. She is a 2021 graduate of Oakdale High School and received the Linda S. Brown Memorial Scholarship this year. She plans to attend the University of Louisiana at Monroe beginning in August to pursue a degree in elementary education. She plans to go through Panhellenic Recruitment and be involved in the Student Government Association.
In high school, Maloney participated in clubs such as FCS, FCA and BETA. She was the 2020-21 BETA president. She also was a cheerleader for all four years in high school. She was the 2020-21 cheer captain and a 2019 All-American cheerleader.
Maloney also held the titles of 2018 Junior Miss Oakdale, 2019 Teen Miss Armed Forces. She is the reigning 2020 Miss Oakdale.
She says her favorite thing about being Miss Oakdale was “getting so involved with the community and traveling across the state attending different fairs, festivals and pageants.”
She enjoyed telling others where she was from and what she represented.
“I’ve learned so much about the town and the parish as a whole throughout my reign. Had it not been for the Miss Oakdale title, my high school experience would not have been as memorable or amazing as it was. I cannot wait to crown this year’s successor, who I know will be such a deserving candidate and will do great things with this title.”
She invites the community and all parish royalty to join her at the 2021 Miss Oakdale pageant on July 31, at 5 p.m. in the Oakdale High School auditorium.