NOTE: This event will be at the church due to the saturated grounds.
The Kinder Cemetery Association will present its 25th Annual Memorial Day Ceremony and Avenue of Flags in the Kinder McRill Memorial Cemetery (KMMC) at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, May 31, 2021.
In addition to paying tribute to all who have made the supreme sacrifice in America’s wars from the Revolutionary War to the present time, Colonel Donald A. Ladner, US Army (Retired), will be memorialize with the dedication of the KMMC Pavilion in his memory.
Eric Kuyper, commander American Legion Post 244 and Captain US Army (retired), will deliver the Memorial Day address.
In the tradition of Civil War times, young flower girls from the community will place fresh flowers on the graves of veterans buried in the cemetery. All veterans and surviving spouses of veterans in attendance will be recognized.
Also to be honored at the event will be the seven young ladies who have served as flower girls at past events, several for more than a decade.
Col. Ladner’s casket flag will be presented to the Kinder Cemetery Association by surviving family members to be flown on the Avenue of Flags during future ceremonies.
SW LA Chapter 215, Vietnam Veterans of America, will perform as both color guard and honor guard. A roll call and tolling of the bell will be conducted for the 160 veterans buried or memorialized in KMMC Cemetery. The ceremony will end with a 21-gun salute and the traditional playing of “Taps.”
Members of the public looking for a way to remember and honor our fallen heroes are invited to celebrate Memorial Day 2021 in the cemetery, located at 1610 Kinder Cemetery Road, Kinder. The ceremony will last approximately one hour.
Seating under canopies, a porta potty and valet parking will be available. In case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be held inside the Kinder Bible Church located at 702 Fourth Ave, Kinder.