Allen Parish Superintendent of Schools Kent Reed introduced Liz Chatelain as the new principal of Oakdale High School at Monday’s school board meeting.
Chatelain has 27 years of educational experience and has been a principal at Mamou High School in Evangeline Parish before becoming a network leader for the Louisiana Department of Education.
Superintendent Reed also announced the status on several construction projects on campuses around the parish.
All roofs at Fairview are 100% complete, and the abatement of the asbestos floor tiles should be completed this week. Painting and work on the ceiling will then begin, and, once the classrooms are finished, work will begin on the cafeteria and the auditorium. Superintendent Reed hopes all the work will be completed by the first of the year.
Also nearing completion is the cafeteria at Kinder. The fire marshal is doing an inspection today, and the district hopes to have it turned over to them by next Tuesday. The next phase is pouring the floor at the Pre-K/Kindergarten building in Kinder. Superintendent Reed also hopes the work in Kinder will be complete by the first of the year.
Superintendent Reed then touched on other construction projects at Reeves, Elizabeth, Oakdale, and Oberlin. “We plan to have the majority of major construction/repair work done by the first of the year,” he said. “I want to let the board know the minor repairs to all our schools will be ongoing throughout the school year. We want these storms and damages to be an opportunity to make necessary repairs/upgrades to all our schools.”
Earlier in the meeting, the board adopted resolutions providing for paying a salary supplement for Allen Parish School Board employees from the Coushatta Tribe Gaming Compact Funds and from the Sales Tax Salary Enhancement Fund. Combined, the supplements total $2,200 for degreed employees and $1,600 for non-degreed employees.
“I would like to thank the Coushatta Tribe for its continued support to make our annual employee supplements possible,” said Superintendent Reed. “I also want to thank this board for its efforts and contributions to this year’s annual holiday supplement. With all that has happened this year, I know our employees will be extremely grateful.”
In other business, the board:
•Heard from LSU AgCenter Assistant Extension Agent Brooke LaFargue on the Allen Parish Annual Report.
•Authorized the superintendent to advertise for the positions of special education paraprofessional at Kinder Elementary and cafeteria manager at Fairview High.
•Approved policy changes regarding teleconference/remote participation in school board meetings, employment of retired teachers, sports injury management and concussions, and attendance reports for student drivers.