The Allen Parish Police Jury has been busy with storm-related damage as well as its regular activities. Jacob Dillehay, parish administrator/engineer, said Topsy Bel Road had to be repaired on Tuesday, October 13, by the jury. He said Hurricane Laura weakened the roadway and asphalt began falling when a culvert collapsed. Hurricane Delta’s rain just finished the job. The jury rented a bigger escalator than it owns to make repairs to the roadway on Tuesday. Dillehay said the Topsy Bel Road is one of the most traveled roads in the parish, probably in the top three. He estimated about a 1,000 vehicles use this road daily. Barricades were installed to prevent motorists from crossing the dangerous area, but many moved the barricades anyway. This can be very dangerous for motorists. Dillehay expected the road to be reopened by Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning. He said residents can find a list of closed roads and other information on the Allen Parish Police Jury’s Facebook™ page. He encouraged residents to refer to the page when needing information or to call the office. The site is updated daily, and Dillehay said there are about 15 to 20 roads in the parish that are listed there at this time.