Looking for something to keep the family busy, take a virtual leap to the Allen Parish Libraries website and participate in its Summer Reading Program on its Facebook™ page (https://www.facebook.com/AllenParishLibraries).
Director Agnes Guillory said the library sites across the parish in Kinder, Oberlin and Oakdale are open 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. After the staff closes the sites, they spend time sanitizing (disinfecting) the area for the next day from 3 to 5 p.m. She said the staff is working hard and following CDC and state guidelines as the state reopens after the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We are wearing masks and encouraging the public to wear masks,” Guillory said.
“Imagine Your Story,” is the theme of this year’s summer reading program. The only thing different from previous years is the event is occurring through technology. Staff members at the library have recorded videos for all ages as they bring the summer reading program to Allen Parish residents.
Guillory said on Wednesdays, the staff posts a video for a virtual story time or DYI project. The library has a grab bag, it encourages interested parties to pick up and take home each week for activities to do at home.
“We’re recording on Monday and Tuesday and posting it on Wednesday,” she said. “It has flaws. We laugh; we have fun with it.”
If COVID-19 allows, the library could host an actual event in July, but it will depend on what guidelines are in place at that time.
“Right now, the library staff is doing their thing,” she said. “We’re keeping the kids busy.”
On Wednesday, the staff posted their third video complete with puppets. The staff has done its own story of The Three Little Pigs, which can be found on its Facebook™ page or on YouTube™ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=633BzvBajWw&t=16s. There’s a recording on how to make bath bombs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95NnkW6Cfz0), bird feeders, Father’s Day cards and dying t-shirts.
Guillory said they are accepting ideas from the public. She said they will do what they can do to fulfill those challenges.
The Bookmobile is not on the road yet, but it will be stopping at designated places where those in the country can utilize the WiFi signal from their automobiles. The van is still visiting homes and dropping books on the porch for those readers who request materials. They also are leaving return items for the library on the porch.
Guillory said they are working hard to meet the public’s needs. She asked residents to continue to support its local library. She encourage everyone to watch some of the staff’s videos on Facebook™ and YouTube™.
You can learn more about Allen Parish Libraries by visiting https://www.allen.lib.la.us, or visiting a branch.
The Oberlin branch is at 320 S. 6th Street, Oberlin, and can be reached at (318) 491-4543.