Chloe Oliver and Madison Young are the first recipients of a new scholarship (The Kinder High School Class of 1987 Memorial Scholarship) offered exclusively to Kinder High School graduates.
“These students were selected from a competitive applicant pool,” according to the scholarship selections team. “Chloe and Madison will receive their scholarship on May 14, 2020, at the Kinder High School Graduation Ceremony pending COVID-19 mitigation efforts.”
The Class of 1987 Memorial Scholarship was established in the fall of 2019 by Kinder High School 1987 Graduates. The scholarship is named in memory of fallen classmates. Their belief in helping others is the reason for this scholarship’s creation.
“Classmates were eager to get this going,” said Scholarship Selections Team member John Chandler. “The plan is for annual scholarships to be awarded in memory of classmates who died in the previous calendar year to graduates who indicate plans to follow similar career paths or interests. In 2019, the Class of 1987 said goodbye to Krista Kim Fong and Jane Elizabeth Bushnell. In the absence of classmates to be memorialized, or graduates to match career paths, scholarship recipients will be determined based on merit.”
Chloe Oliver plans to major in biology at William Carey University in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, and eventually attend medical school. Chloe shares “It is my honor to receive this scholarship to help further my education.”
As a KHS student, Chloe participated in Beta and FBLA clubs, softball, track and field, basketball, and cheerleading.
Madison Young plans to major in radiologic sciences at McNeese State University. Madison’s high school activities also included Beta and FBLA clubs, along with Teens for Christ, and Literary Rally.
“It is of great honor to be selected for this scholarship. In remembrance of those before us, I will strive to create a better world for all who live in it,” said Madison Young.
The Class of 1987 thanks their scholarship contributors and Scholarship Selections Team members John Chandler, Shelly Delafoisse Dugas, John Gordon, James LeDoux, Angela Ortego Holley, Robert Ortego, Gerald Richard and Tracey Norton Guidry.
Anyone interested in contributing to the scholarship fund should contact Mary Hebert Holmes or Vickie Tunwar. Class of 2021 Seniors can apply for this scholarship starting in January 2021. Contact the school counseling office.