The Town of Oberlin’s audit was presented to the council by Casey Ardoin of Kolder, Slaven and Company LLC at Monday’s meeting, March 9.
In his report, Ardoin pointed out the government fund balance, consisting of general funds, sales tax fund and other government funds put assets at $232,225 for the town and liabilities at $73,503. In its statement of revenues and expenditures to the government fund, Ardoin said the town had an income of $573,951. Ependitures were at $854,409. Transfers into and out of government funds had a deficit of $45,387. The town’s beginning budget was $204,109, and it ended with less dollars at $158,722.
Under utilities, Ardoin said total assets was at $175,027, noncurrent assets totaled $11,039, 258. Liabilities totaled $789,705 (from current assets) and at $3,939,686 from funds payable from restricted assets.
Ardoin said pages 43 and 44 focused on budgetary comarisons to make sure the town’s budget was within five percent of its budgeted dollars. The town managed monies will in this area.
The town also fell under the single audit act for utilizing $750,000 or more in federal dollars. They had two big grants – one from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for $1,933,460, and one from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for $602,004.
Ardoin said there were no compliance issues. Most of the auditor’s deficiencies deal with not enough staff for a checks and balance system. This is always brought up in small communties where one person oversees several duties.
In other business, the council heard from Jerrie LeDoux, community liaison for U.S. Congressman Mike Johnson. She said its census time, and it is important to participate because this data is used for federal dollars and other programs for Louisiana. She said 10 years ago, only 54 percent of Allen Parish participated in the census. She asked counsilmembers to ask their constituents to please participate.
Ledoux said it was 10 questions and should take 10 minutes. The data will be used for 10 years. On March 23, residents should see the Census information hit their mailboxes.
Citizens can mail in their answers, go online and fill out the question, pick up the phone can call the Census or receive a visit from a Census worker. She said the Census will not ask you for your full social security number. Learn more at
The council reimbursed Scott Akins for $260 for a sewage issue that fell on the town’s side of responsibility.
The council also gave Darrell Reeves a raise brining his pay to $15 per hour.
Councilmen Bobby Thomas and Romelzy Willis Jr. were not present.